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Cristobal Cisternas

Cristóbal Cisternas Araya, born in Salamanca, Chile, is the artist, painter, author, writer, actor and model. 

He studied at the School of Fine Arts, specializing in painting, since 2017, he learned to know artistic techniques, life, works or activities in front of art, it is very colorful and expressive. He wrote the new stories about the short stories and novels, published the wordless comic "Sordito del Mar" (Deaf boy of the sea) which has no book release. He participated in the theater, presents many works of other theater companies, Las Flores de la Pérgola (The pergola flowers, 2013), The Cats (2014), Nos Dieron a la mar (They gave us to the sea, 2017) and El Reloj de la Bestia (The beast clock, 2019).

Cristobal Cisternas

© 2023 by Cristobal Cisternas 

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