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February 26, 2022

Deaf boy of the Sea

Cristobal Cisternas

      In the house on the beach, some parents had a son who was only a few days old, the family was close and they shared, they talked at dinner, every day when the sun sets and night comes, the family goes to sleep at another house in the city. They lived together with an old woman who was the child's maternal grandmother, on the small cliff that is shaped like a hill on the coast. They had a cradle that they left in the bedroom, in the garden there were three trees, in addition to small flowers of different colors, there were three more houses around and in the blue sky the white moon and many stars appeared little by little, making it night.

     On the other hand, in a setting not far from the coast at the bottom of the sea another story was woven, the sea king could not have children, but he needed a baby for the aquatic human because there are no more people living there. In the depths of the ocean lived the King God of the Sea, he would love to take a new human child to the sea as a son to be a special prince, therefore, he sent the sea male witch to bring him a baby to live with him in the ocean depths.

Deaf Boy of the Sea

     While a candle was blown out in the married couple's house after nightfall and they fell asleep, the baby was left alone in the crib next to his parents and also fell asleep.

    The sea male witch went to look for what was requested for the king of the sea and as he walked the land he approached and saw the baby through the window who woke up, silently took him in his arms and stole him.

     The man witch created a bubble into which he introduced the baby, while he walked accompanying the baby on the way in the bubble until he entered the depths of the sea. Suddenly, the surprise of the King of the sea was great when he saw a baby in the male witch's bubble, the fat old man had a very bright light all over his body, for his part the male witch had very long hairs that floated together in the water to the fish that flashed lights and even the strangest fish in the deep sea at night. In front of the place where the sea king was, was the bubble with the baby:

     "The adopted son changes to life in my inheritance, new son is my crown prince" said the king to the gods and goddesses in the sky, the sea king waved his hands and raised the bubble, the sea male witch blew magical dust with his hand and a long stick spun the bubble above into a whirlwind of magic dust and glowing fish. The sky began to close creating a storm, lightning went into the bubble in the sea, but the lightning hit the baby's head that was in the bubble, which cleared up, the bubble slid into a cave in the sea, thus covering the baby, died without breathing so they made him come back to life so that he could live again, his ears so painful because he will never listen, he will never hear anything, becoming an immortal soul that gave to his bone and flesh. King of the Sea sent him deaf so that he would not listen and being in that place he could not follow the things of the humans, it is better that he be calm and free as natural as an animal without knowing human things only a child who lived in the protective cave, told him that will grant them freedom at eight years old, but on the condition that he will be deaf he cannot hear then they cannot speak either, only emit strange sounds, not listening to the sound of humans nor allowing them to be close to the earth.

  On the day, his family was worried looking for the missing baby, all with great anguish. The next day his parents sat near the cliff in the grass thinking about the little one, when the male witch of the sea removed the memory of the family, they forgot everything to that baby, they doubted as a family they saw the crib, toys, baby clothes and everything beautiful they had created. His grandmother creates the idea of having an adopted son while the family decides to accept them to prepare things for the trip in the car after the parents went on a trip to the city center of the capital in front of the mountains and hills for another adopted son and returned to the house of the Cliff.

Deaf boy went to land

     For eight years later, the boy was reborn in the cave, he grew up and the young man left the cave feeling free in the depths of the sea. He then went out for a swim or used to go to the water ride, the boy was deaf and did not receive any name, however, he chased the fish and other sea animals to feel happiness and divinity. It was very wonderful there, the aquatic landscape of the sea is soft, clear and has a number of thousands of colors, three seals took care of him and were very friendly with him, he had human feet they were more beautiful, he had a short hair and his skin was I saw very white inside the sea. Little Deaf swam to the beat of the waves and was amazed at the end of the sea on the land or sand that was far away, he saw when he was reaching the surface the brightness of the sun that crosses the waves. It is then that his unconscious changes, he feels that "he can go" and that he can also be brave, he moving a hand towards the surface in the sea, with fear he thought that he would collide with something in the sea, but he realized that he could go ahead until he woke up on earth leaving behind the cosmic sea.

     The Little Deaf boy is standing on the shore near the waves, his feet cool as he felt neither hot nor cold, and he tries to walk, he didn't know why he was used to swimming in the sea and not knowing how to walk on land, he felt his whole body changed, his legs tried to get up to walk before trembling and falling many times to the sand like tripping, then he managed to walk well,  little by little he was able to bear the walk and felt happy dancing around a plum tree that was on the coast there near the houses and trees, the distance was small from the cliff, walked to the village of the small port, perceives that the people make fun of the white boy after he returned to the sea.

     At dawn, Little Deaf arrived at the coast where he was interested in new landscapes, air, land and water as the season was changing from summer to autumn, the white boy loved feeling the cool wind on his body because he is fascinated to human world. The sun was coming up and he began to feel the rays on his body and it was very clear near the waves on the shore. While in the cliff house the grandmother woke up and walked to the window, because she wanted to see the scenery that is calm, soft and cool, suddenly she felt a movement in her heart, she had a strange feeling and watched. There the sky was light blue, she saw a movement of the tree on the cliff, the wind smelled good, the waves were moving as usual, and many plants were in bloom.

    The old woman was amazed seeing Little Deaf who danced to the beat and looked adorable from the beach, she then thinks: "the abandoned child lives on the sea coast, why will he be alone at night?", maybe I can go to the beach too, well I want to ask you something. She changed her clothes and preferred very beautiful colors in her dress, she had flowers all over her dress, her grandmother walked down the small cliff and found herself face to face with Little Deaf boy, she tries to ask :

    "What are you doing on the coast since dawn? Where are your parents? Don't you have a mom and dad?" Grandma asks.

    Little Deaf felt afraid and wanted to escape, but he stopped in front of grandmother, the question she asked, the boy could not understand, since he could not hear her, when the grandmother put one of her hands on his shoulder, Little Deaf felt pale from the scared, she had a tear, this drop fell to the golden sand, while the old woman had a headache and it was when she remembered that she looked like a baby that seemed familiar to her, she felt dizzy. The Little Deaf runs away frightened when he sees the old woman in that state. The old woman heard confused that the strange young man was lost on the beach. 

      "Little Deaf, Little deaf, Deaf Boy," the sea king yelled into a cloud in the sky.

     King god of the sea is invisible and he realized what the old woman heard the further Deaf boy went, she did not understand that the word "Little Deaf" means not listening to anyone's words. After that, she is better, but she was worried when she remembered her headache and wanted to go back home, an hour passes in which the grandmother tidied and cleaned a bedroom and the living room, she looked at the beach from the door thinking if the white boy will return to the coast or not, then he didn't care, because afterward he began to cook and took his plate to the dining room.

     The next day, the little deaf submerged next to the dolphins on the surface of the sea, they were pleasant to him, they were affectionate, they became friends and hugging them, he was taken to the depths of the sea, they chased the fish, he could clearly see their colors, gold, violet, blue, red and special colors very beautiful and extraordinary the white boy felt neither cold nor heat, the sea water was lukewarm.

       In the sea, Deaf boy danced to the beat of the waves, playing with the shells in the sand, hiding behind the tallest algae being very cunning so that the fish would not be scared, so he could see them and smile with confidence, while the male witch of the sea went to warn the god of the sea about the presence of the Litte Deaf boy in the depths of the sea. Then the sea king and man witch got together in the aquatic garden and from the bottom the little deaf could see them:

      "My little deaf prince, why were you the earth?" the sea king exclaimed worriedly. Speaking with his hands in sign language, because the king of the sea and also the male witch knew that being deaf means that he could not hear with his ears so that he would not be disturbed by the noise, besides he did not allow him to go to earth together with humans.

     "He did not know, he wanted to admire the new landscapes on earth, he has the vision openly in his eyes" said the man witch to the king, he must be sorry, both had made a mistake not being able to undo anything, they understood someone really would like to go live on earth.

      Deaf boy felt sad and the king of the sea hugged him while the man witch of the sea put his hand on his shoulder. The following year one night, little deaf was looking at the stars on the surface of the sea, he jumped into the air and rose, and traveled flying until he reached the sand, he danced to the beat of the air reaching almost to the many stars, he followed the birds that they are traveling to the Pacific. Suddenly the deaf boy was amazed to see that a ship appeared in the sea, his astonishment was such that he stopped following the birds and flying in a circle he went to the center of the ship, when it dawned and the sun appeared, the little deaf quickly raised his hands and arms up and lowered his body headfirst into the sea. A short time later the grandmother began to play with a toy of her grandson, while the deaf boy when he rose to the surface in the sea saw that toy and felt interested, he changed his mind to a human being from the land, the deaf boy ran to play the toy that his grandmother had left:

     "Come," her grandmother said with her hand "come", now the deaf boy understood and wanted to go or follow her to the house, they walked up the small cliff, he did not remember the place of the entrance of the house, she was nice, kind and worried, she also allowed her and the deaf boy to look at all the places in the house together, her grandmother felt sad being so alone in the house because her grandchildren and children had been in the capital for a long time, but this house of Grandma was near the town.


          Grandma wanted to adopt Deaf Boy who also lived on the beach, she gave him a statuette, a glass bird that means luck and peace, when Grandma gave her other grandson's white pajamas for Deaf Boy he wore a shirt and pants they were light and soft, the Little Deaf felt happy and also gave him the gift of living in a house where only the sea could be seen from the bedroom, neither in the living room nor in the dining room. In addition, he gave many things and stuffed animals to Deaf boy who felt comfortable and pleased, because the grandmother is good and she saved the orphan boy.

     Then Boy deaf couldn't sleep his spiritual life in the bedroom at night, grandmother said "Goodbye" with her hand and kissed the little deaf's cheek, who feels happy because he is having a support.

     When his grandmother went to sleep next door, the little deaf went secretly to the sea and the seals wanted to play with the white boy in the depths of the sea while grandmother sleepily turns off the lights. Later he returned to the house and took a shell to the bedroom where he had to sleep staying there, but Deaf Boy was able to sleep peacefully, when dawn came he was still awake despite not being wet before returning home. The next day, his grandmother opened the door of the room, while the little deaf played with the stuffed animal and a car in the bedroom watching the grandmother and followed her to the dining room table they sat next to each other and ate tea for breakfast and bread. Deaf boy did not know how to eat, because he did not feel hungry, he was surprised when he ate, he drank tea then he touched the bread very slowly, while he ate he saw three houses in front of a tree and violet, yellow, pink and blue flowers, so when he finished eating the deaf boy could go alone to walk near the houses on the cliff, while the grandmother stayed washing the cups and clothes, Little Deaf boy saw the tree, hugged it smiling and thought: “I am happy and I feel grateful because I lived well in my dream”. Then he went to see the window that overlooked the sea in the bedroom of the house that was separated from the other two, deaf boy calmed down and looked at the sea and the sky when the family arrived at the grandmother's house:

     "Hello my grandmother!" said the happy grandchildren and they hugged their grandmother very happy.

     "How are you mom?" Her mother said to her grandmother.

     They talked to the grandmother while Deaf boy was embarrassed to see the boys at the door, Little deaf boy looked for a hiding place and decided that the closet was a good idea, he fit through the closet door and closed it hiding in silence, the children go to their bedroom and they played with toys and stuffed animals, the children were siblings, older brother was adopted, sister and younger brother, he was looking at everything from his hiding place in the closet when opening the door he runs away, siblings hesitated.

     "Who is that boy?" they exclaimed.  

   While Deaf Boy ran to the sea on the small cliff and put his feet in the water, which felt very cold on the seashore, then he tried to swim to the depths, but he could not, it was very difficult for him to be in the sea, so difficult that he felt like he was drowning and was already very agitated. He couldn't go to the sea, he hid in a big rock on the beach that he thought food put off the spell because an old woman gave a meal for becoming human boy. After two hours had elapsed, the family finished eating and parents and siblings walked towards the coast, sister and younger brother played on this walk along the beach and as a family they felt happy.

    The family smiled, his father hugged his mother and the siblings played on the shore while there the sky is light blue and the trees move to the rhythm of the fresh wind, Deaf boy was surprised to see a very friendly family. Little Deaf boy wears color white: white shirt, white pants and a slightly faded soft cape that seemed invisible, the color white that means “peace and tranquility” sea king thought of the white of the diaper and so the baby was born very white white.


     Little Deaf boy put his hand in the sea he did not feel hot or cold and remembered "the bottom of the sea" amazed he sank into the sea heading towards the garden of the sea, there they appeared, when the king of the sea donated the crown of prince of the sea for the kingdom of the ocean or nature, the animals support him, because the people did not know anything the prince is more secret, because the prince is brilliant and the adopted son of King of the Sea, the animals and plants know very well, who will take care of much and all the nature of the world for the deaf prince, and the male witch of the sea along with many fish that were otherwise very beautiful and rare: the butterfly fish, sun fish, dragon fish, bell fish and others. Boy Deaf smiled when god placed a blunt crown on the Deaf boy's head and they shed tears of pride for the little prince Deaf boy in the garden of the sea, god said that from then on he would be the prince of the sea while many fish, seals, three dolphins, a whale and sea male witch bowed before the deaf man, who as prince of the sea gave them a smile while some fish and other animals followed him swimming deafly and moved along with him through the sea, king and male witch stayed in the Deaf Boy's garden, so he together with those who wanted to accompany them undertook a trip, the Little Deaf sat on a whale that was very happy, he was able to rise to the surface and even the air from the sea, when Little Deaf boy was in the air, he caressed the seagulls and birds. Suddenly the little deaf had a surprising memory: the family on the coast saw him in a strange way just because he was different and they were not together for that reason, then he went down to the sea and saw the fish as a family all the same color and with a baby.

      He always returned from the land to the sea, Deaf Boy had his mysterious secret, which he did not reveal to those of the land, since they did not know sign language and he did not read lips to be able to speak, nor did he know how to write and converse at all in unable to listen and voice.

       His parents argued with his grandmother because they did not accept a deaf being in their house, Deaf Boy released a tear drop which through a leaf is thrown into the sea towards the male witch, because he felt nervous around humans.

     At night, when the family goes to sleep, Little deaf touched his crown of the prince of the sea, which had appeared next to a trunk, placed it on his head and little deaf was the prince of the sea approaching the bottom of the window, his hands they closed and when they opened light blue powder came out that took care of the dreams of those who were in the bedroom, then he walked towards the door, but he couldn't open the handle, he had the idea of going to the sea through the window, he left and stopped when he came to the precipice behind the house, then he jumped off the precipice into the sea and swam with the waves towards the garden until in his crown a light appeared as bright as the sun, some fish and other animals followed him, too the witch man of the sea went to the prince's garden and that was where deaf boy stopped, the male witch of the sea greeted the deaf boy with a strong handshake and they hugged.

    "That family followed me and wouldn't let me come," the deaf boy said, expressing himself with simple sign language.

     "Yes, I saw it on a leaf," said the witch man of the sea, calming him down.

    The male witch of the sea then hugged Little Deaf who burst into tears, the fish also hugged him, god worried because the humans were with little deaf boy, he only has the good and the spiritual. Then the male witch of the sea and Little Deaf walked towards the deepest abyss or abyssal zone that is the dark bottom, there they stayed at the bottom and the wizard stopped the fish so that they would not enter while Little Deaf boy greeted them with his hand: " come” said the male witch of the sea, moving along with Deaf Boy, monsters bowed to the prince of the sea, who was not frightened by them. These Monsters are like fish, but they have a light and similar to a lantern, it is strange and horrible, but they took care of the deaf boy, in the crown a golden light appeared later. After an hour they were ready and arrived at the abyssal palace, the columns were golden, the stones reflected lights of more colors on the walls, the two being already inside the palace, they saw how double lights were hung, blue, green, yellow , oranges, reds, and floors with precious stones, the wall with shells and precious corals that had lights, the door was wonderful they had curves on each side and two white and clear pillars with spirals: "The god of the underworld in the sea" he said the witch man of the sea speaking in special signs to Little Deaf, which he understood immediately.


      "My great sorcerer!" Said the male witch of the sea, stopping Deaf boy at the entrance door of the palace, "The deaf boy is the prince of the sea" someone exclaimed.

    "Oh, come my wonderful favourite!!! He said surprised and amazed.

   They entered the sorcerer's house to which they arrived walking and while that was happening they were amazed because the sky turned black and there were many stars and many bright powders, blue and purple jellyfish appeared in the center of the sky, bubbles were born from the extraordinary colored powders and special, clear fish like the big one that gave light in the center of the sky, the wall was dark green, the small lights flickered and were brown like the earth, ten fish of lights were free in the huge sorcerer room , while this sorcerer from the underworld was feeding a sea dragon: it was large, with orange scales on its body and yellow on its head and tail, its green eyes with a mixture of light blue like those of a cat , also had two coral horns very similar to those of deer, in addition to pearls, shells and stars on its head, it had a giraffe's neck, a fat trunk, hair on its tail and tall fins of the same texture as a flower with a soft green color, it also had orange eagle wings which had bright yellow feather-like endings, the dragon's face was covered with greenish-yellow beard and its nose was like a dragon's. one dog was purple to gold in color, had little stars arranged from largest to smallest in circles on the dragon's left cheek. The sorcerer was good and lucky he had the wisdom of the future, he made the magic stars for the soul, he was happy because they had arrived at his palace, the deaf boy walked with the sorcerer.

     "Hello my deaf prince of the sea, I've known you since before you were born in the garden," exclaimed euphoric sorcerer, since he always spoke with expressions of a certain madness, "how have you been?"

"Deaf one needs to know about his life," said the witch man of the sea while the deaf prince did not know what the conversation was about, the sorcerer thought about the different lives of deaf one, then he picked up with his hands, those of deaf one and sitting in a big chair royal in the bedroom next to the dragon, offered Deaf boy a chair: "they humans followed me" said Little deaf boy, the sorcerer understood sign language.

     "How can you see life like that, with what thing?" the sorcerer asked the sea male witch.

    "A leaf," said sea witch man, showing himself from where he kept it.

     He then gave a leaf to the sorcerer and making magic with his hand he moved the circle and they could imagine something that seemed real or rather a memory of the future through the leaf, which gave off white powders: “the little deaf boy goes to earth where humans are, he is not going to allow exploring the immortal, it is dangerous because they could punish the immortality of the male witch, they are not safe and it is necessary to take care of the nature that suffers, they are square, there are betrayals, madness, mistreatment and ignorance, then the stone of the curse will fall into the sea and the end of the earth will emerge, but attacked by humans, Little deaf boy shook with what the cosmos revealed then he broke” took the sheet then, the male witch and the sorcerer fearfully made the Deaf boy come out .

       "Go, Little Deaf boy" said male witch staying in the back of the palace in the dark. Deaf Boy went walking alone, when a grotesque fish appeared in front of his eyes flashing lights, he caressed the fish there were portentous fish, extraordinary monsters had a great face that was half the body and the other half a long fish tail, a lantern octopus, frog fish and others, they were the ones who followed the deaf prince, then while he stared at the eyes of lights of the grotesque fish he realized that it was already dawn and the family should still be sleeping, deaf then felt nervous and he was amazed by it: "powerful into the air take me from the tide" he thought and in a minute he was quickly jumping into the air from the sea reaching the sky, Little Deaf boy flew and stopped to see where the sun was coming and it was just dawning, then he left to the bedroom window. Little Deaf boy slowly sat up in bed and lay down until they came to wake them up.

     Later at school, the children and the teacher are not interested to Deaf boy, was the only deaf, the teacher forced to ban the hands they made signs, she hit with the stick hitting of the hands of a deaf boy to have a bruise, with hurt when again she shook with rough stone that hit again for bleeding hands, they bothered him and never gave him help, children laughed insults at Deaf boy while his brothers were not defending nearby and he got upset that's how a strong earthquake feels, while he ran away full of anger, the others they felt fear and manifested themselves with screams and sobs every thing moved and fell to break.

    Little deaf ran faster and fell to the ground on the shore because he felt very tired. Then arriving at his grandmother's house, he always takes care of and teaches Little deaf, who feels loved, since before he was abandoned and did not receive love, his parents did not care, they did not help or take care of that white boy.

    The other night in the green house, his brothers fell asleep having down on the floor, Deaf boy could not sleep and thinking of going to the sea, he hid, jumped on the floor of the door, he took out the crown and bag algae not dust or shaken, the little deaf jumped into the sea on the small cliff, between the sea, go to the garden, many fish and marine animals dancing to the beat in the party of the sea like colorful lights, the light shells, golden and wonderful, the corals were more extraordinary colors, fish had bright and white stars, algae light green, each time Deaf Boy felt vibration in his body a lot of pleasure from the longest music as the marine animals and fish sang many songs in Little deaf boy's garden:

    "The deaf boy prince, welcome to the party," said the sorcerer, speaking in sign language.

    The sea dragon reached the garden or seabed, which then good luck and virtue for the little deaf. King and male witch of the sea walking under the sea or the garden, he is filled with goodness of little deaf, that you have fulfilled him in the sea:

     "How was the party?," exclaimed the king of the sea.

   Little Deaf was happy he released the stars and white powders, the male witch made stick circulating up that magic stars were born turning the fish were clear, bright and beautiful color. Sorcerer lent himself the Deaf boy rode the dragon, if he accepted and allowed, going smart: the prince with dragon also magic fish follower to Little deaf; "Goodbye, goodbye" greeted king, male witch, sorcerer and fish waving hands, all the animals were enjoying themselves, the fish danced in the water, some played marine musical instruments such as the giant snails played saxophones, the dolphins played flutes, the crabs played drums, and others, the clams also sang there, the parts were a hundred different songs. The dragon turning body like blue scales, its head and tail green in color, brown wings and brown deer horn which then go to air and earth, also magic fish turning the bright birds like fairies, the deaf prince he was surprised wonderful, he hugged the dragon in the air, they flew traveling the sky, he saw the ship was huge and special, deaf with a dragon flew side by side the seagulls migrated together, the wonderful birds around the dragon and Deaf boy opened arms like the winds , saw that amazed start of sun, dawn at dawn, also huge land and huge ocean was half like the world, dragon stop him, the golden crown on his forehead clear by the sun. We left the air or sky between the sea, but the dragon left the Little deaf boy on the cliff, the dragon was the sea, he waved his hand in greeting, the magical birds remained in the tree next to the houses.


      Later, his grandmother worried about separating them, Little deaf boy stood in front of her and when his grandmother's hand hugged him, a tear came from him, while his grandmother remembered and smiled, they couldn't believe what the grandmother had mentioned, now so the grandmother left further to go south to visit another family. The parents felt sorry around Little Deaf, he cried and the rain fell, then his soul appeared a ray of sunshine, he was amazed with happiness, in one jump he flew and threw himself into the sea with three magical pets and in the depths he saw to the worried marine animals and the prince knew which way to go in the sea, he continued walking on the bottom, but this time the sea had no corals or algae, it looked like a desert, then beyond it he found a ship, then he blew a magic dust towards him, turning it into a very huge ship so that marine animals with corals, algae and others can live together, little deaf entered and threw a magic seed on the ground, the tree grew very fast it has colored leaves, it was the sacred tree of the deaf Prince in a very huge boat, Deaf boy felt pleasure and joy when seeing those very beautiful landscapes, they of nature are fertile and bear many fruits and flowers.

      The next day, his family together with Deaf boy travels to the capital city in the car and he was very nostalgic, that is why there were clouds in the sky that covered the sun, because Little deaf missed the sea and the landscape, as well as the forest, he remembered the hugs of his animal friends, also of the god, sorcerer and sorcerer of the sea. Then he goes home with the family, but they did not support him, they did not share with him, nor did they love, causing Deaf boy suffering by not feeling loved. They go to his room to sleep and the little deaf boy feels lonely, the brothers also ignore him. Then he had a strange dream, in which there were family and friends, because of his dream, he has to live with a good family and reliable friends, but he never got them the best there, those who felt grateful and were sharing, when he woke up he felt a pain in his heart, while thunder is heard and a storm falls at dawn, they were upset before the noise, because they felt that he was not human and therefore they did not give him love, so his heart hurts and he suffers alone, there the neighbors and families are bothering him, afraid of noise like lightning and heavy rains, but deaf he does not listen to the noise of a storm, nothing, the magical birds protect him to caress, they knew wish for good and saved sleep, in the room and leave alone to deaf boy because he are not happy and calm with his secret.

      Later, the mother sought to find a place to educate Little Deaf, a place that could deliver tools in the sign language of Deaf boy. She found a place where people spoke to each other in sign language, she was happy because she stayed in school, Little deaf felt sad in shy because he didn't understand sign language, apparently he was very advanced, he didn't talk much with other deaf children but he didn't talk, then there were other deaf people who didn't want to be Deaf boy's friend and please him there, leave rumors, so they wouldn't talk to him and he was marginalized and isolated, since they didn't know him well, he who was new, deaf just like them, more forward, deaf people are good people, they did not know anything, Deaf boy was unknown and distrustful, so deaf people can speak and generate noises through their mouths such as joy and laughter, he became distressed because he felt incapable of expressing a conversation and speaking to understand the good life.

     In the afternoon almost around sunset, at home, families such as uncles and aunts, cousins ​​and friends invited their siblings for dinner, after eating other meals, their parents talked about uncles and aunts with great spirit, Deaf boy is very bored not being able to listen and he feels listless they do not know sign language every time, he saw children talk funny with a lot of laughter and joy singing, Little deaf felt sad because alone without being able to communicate. He left them at dinner, go to room, closed the door when quiet, birds fly around with magical light and a big round shaped nest appeared in the corner of room, we are glad little deaf saw through the window, there is tree and bushes also pets neighbor, pigeons and small animals are friends of the Little deaf to be happy in that peaceful place when butterflies flew to the tree, bugs live in the garden, petting a dog was content and there they support the deaf prince in the garden.

    In one day, his father and mother forced him to go to school, also three children, but family never felt like family to him because parents do not love him. Then he entered when some deaf people were opponents of deaf boy like throwing a glass throwing the water at Deaf boy and getting wet his clothes and body changed into all white when the birds crowned the prince of the sea, deaf people laughed astonished by rumor and insulted dumb and little deaf felt a Immense rage the earth began to move then earthquake and everything fell, after many rains he escaped from the school, he was seen running through the city, people see the boy who wore white clothes after going home.

     The next day in the afternoon, at home when his siblings' friends came to them, then he walked to hide in the living room, an older brother with a new girlfriend and there they were happy, Little deaf saw the boy and the girl with two hands that together, then kissed her in her brothers and friends applauded bravo and exact to in love, then older brother loves with his happy girlfriend, Little deaf let the room go to the bedroom.

      Deaf boy spent time with the animals and the family, however, almost all the time he felt alone, despite living with the family, he did not feel part of it. Three birds advised Deaf boy well, they told him that he was very important as a prince of the sea, the animals love him and urged him to continue, Little deaf boy was happy and began to dance, because he looked at himself in front of a mirror with his crown and felt beautiful.

     From the door, the friends and brothers saw the Deaf boy prince, they made fun of him a lot, the birds and animals felt Little deaf's rage and tried to contain him, however, he was already very indignant and threw the crown on the ground, which broke, then the animals fled, while an earthquake was generated on earth and the cries of fear were heard, the people escaped. Little deaf boy ran to follow the magical birds that disappeared in the sky behind the sun, the neighbors of the neighborhood stopped the family, that caused Little deaf boy to think that he betrays the earth because from his mistreated and polluted emotions against nature and animals. The Deaf boy's eyes turned blue he felt a shudder, when his sister touched the deaf boy's shoulder with her arm, he was surprised and imagined the polluted sea, the dead fish, seals trapped in nets and the water with poison and dirt, Deaf boy was astonished, opening his mouth and eyes. Little deaf shouted at the winds and the earth moved, he escaped running faster and further for thirty minutes, turning the house on the cliff near the beach, abandoning the family and the city, deaf boy arrived very tired and fell into the floor his clothes were torn and dirty.

   The next day, a person discovered Deaf boy's magic, when other boys were hiding in a bush looking towards the shore, Little Deaf was talking with the seal as sea lion sent by the male witch who had to give him a message, he asked for two ears from that human and sent the sharp scissors of metal to him, the male witch will make the sacrifice. While the three boys hid to watch deafly together with a seal they caress and dance adored, the seal is careful and affectionate with him, another boy stole a golden flower and they escaped the gardener who takes care of the flowers saw them and with amazement he saw the bright golden flower, Many hours later, when the clouds come and cover the sky, the deaf boy is still sad. Because he and the gardener were afraid that the golden flower would disappear.

"A mysterious boy is a monster or a sorcerer without speaking a voice or hearing his ears, to say really because before I was looking at a boy he went many times to return to the sea," said the scientist man to the boys suddenly appeared. The next day, the boys preferred to touch a seal near the fishermen's beach, the boy had thought that it was another to say that it is the baby of the seal, very tender and soft, they wanted to caress them for a second. While touching a sleeping seal for a moment hearing them step on or follow him woke up and hugged his baby feel scared, the chief of seals defends the seals and angry against humans, and shouted wanting to be expelled for the boys too the fishermen looked for a group of seals or sea lions, then they finished, someone killed the seal leader with an arrow, he died there, the seals escape very quickly to the sea, then they never return to the beach, they leave the place, they felt afraid to undo seals that blame the killer man, the boys were astonishing because they did not know in the trap, just as angry or envious evil because they think the Deaf boy one caressed himself with a seal or sea lion they had calm. The rumored boy impatiently warning them.


     At school, Deaf boy went visited to class and the boys chased him and insulted him, he gets angry and the earth shakes again, the boys hit with their hands grabbing Little deaf's body, when he opened and closed his eyes, they they were perceived as blue, then it flew to fall from the children generating fear in them, who quickly escaped while the children were running, they hit another man who fell before arriving here, he was injured, thinking that little deaf generated a new curse. He broke the school curtain, a deaf boy saved a farmer man who fainted could not wake up, but he trembled with a sharp metal scissors when he cut two ears and bled after covering with the curtain or tape on his ears when a big scissors of metal together with his ears he put into the jar and leave it stagnant, he headed towards the forest along the coast to give the jar to the male witch in the deep sea.

    In the afternoon, Little deaf walked to the town, the boys had accused him, because he threw them to jump through a curse because Little deaf cast a magic, so they all decide to hit the boy hard, and they claimed accusing him with shouts because they think he is a monster or demon to deaf boy as bad punishment but he couldn't hear them, a young man pushed Deaf boy falling to the ground, then the others attack his body with blows also his feet stepped on him and his clenched hands beat him, pulling his hair, his body injured and damaged they picked up shovels, sticks, knives and rakes they beat and mistreated him very hard the deaf boy, the children threw stones and broke the bones and the body was bleeding badly and in bad pain.. And he ran away fast, they chased him into the forest, they also threw the stones at Deaf boy, but he hid in a cave calming down, while the others thought that he had disappeared, a deaf boy cried very suffering through many rains.

    At night, the storm appeared, it was very strong with a lot of rain and strong winds, there the big waves attack the land and the beach and then the floods are in the town of bay by Deaf Boy controlled the weakest powers to his emotion forest fields have a lot of water due to the waves or the sea on the land and the many rains, very fearful in remember when the tornado hit the waves, very angry in remember when the earth moved very strongly, earthquake, there were still the unarmed houses that hit it big waves to land. The background was horrible and restless as abrupt, Deaf boy gave a very loud cry equal to thunder and lightning fell on his head and his body turns into a white magical explosion.

Deaf boy transformed in the white birds

    At dawn another beach, Deaf boy woke up and got up on the shore, saw the sorcerer in front of Little deaf boy because he wanted the magic stone for sacrifice. The male witch gave an orange stone to Little deaf, he advised him to throw another rock on the sand, to demonstrate as an example, then the sorcerer pointed to the great cliff saying: by throwing the stone, you will be able to attack the earth, lives will end by many eruptions of volcanoes and fires and after a thousand years a new earth will arise being the end of humans. Little deaf believes that the animals and plants are living well on earth, the air, water and fire are fertile and nature is alive, but the male witch of the sea refuses to understand Deaf boy's reasons, but he begs again and decides a little hesitant. He walked to go to the abandoned houses on a small cliff when he was very anxious to tremble his body as well as his hands with the orange stone and saw the sea and landscape in the window.

    He leaves the house, walking towards the woods to the town, Little deaf boy is surprised to visit the town of the bay, it was flooded, the houses disarmed and destroyed, then he remembered big waves that attacked the town and Deaf boy regretted walking because the humans blamed him saying he was a monster or witch and they wanted to kill him, they yelled at him but Deaf boy shook his head in denial, then he fled to the cliff, while behind him people chased him, but the road was somewhat difficult, there were many rocks and he could fly to the cliff, he ran the forest to the longest cliff.

     Deaf boy was on the precipice of the cliff he could see the depth and the many rough and dangerous rocks, he extended his arm with the orange rock, however, he stopped, he felt a lot of anxiety, while remembering the suffering of nature. Little deaf boy thought exactly when throwing the orange stone to the precipice hitting the sea thus ending life on earth, erupting many volcanoes and fires attacked the world also living beings died disappearing then future without humans, but Deaf boy then felt afraid and did not throw the stone, takes it in his hands and puts them on his chest, he trembled with the orange stone in his trembling hand, very close the people who were chasing him were approaching. While the humans claim, another good person defended him and tried to stop them, but they could not speak to him. Little deaf boy reminded them that they did not help him, thinking Deaf Boy has no friends and no family, he felt very alone, sadder in isolated life suffered the discriminated while he also remembered that the male witch forced Deaf boy to make such a difficult decision, then closing his eyes and he took a breath, his hands still had the orange stone on Deaf boy's chest and unable to throw it off the cliff, he thought of all the things he gave up and all the pain he had to suffer.

    Deaf boy expressed himself with sign language, putting his hands on his heart towards there and he will say "my heart loves you very much", however, before he cannot cry from anguish he is very sad because his heart hurts, Little deaf boy smiled that he would leave everyone, he knew that he could choose eternal life, then abandon the earth, also deaf boy saved their many lives and the earth did not throw the stone so he throws himself towards the precipice with eyes wide with sacrifice, while the others exhaled cries of affliction. Again they saw him fall into the sea, his longer hair and clothes moving in the wind. A smile is drawn on his face when he remembers being happy and loved, Deaf boy by going with the orange stone was able to crush the hard, rough and sharp rocks that hurt his shattered body, to death, with his broken bones and injured flesh damaged and bloodied also cut off his head, arms and legs. He moved the orange stone then to save life and the waves cover movement of the water with white foams, the Deaf Boy has disappeared to transform into white birds and white fish are his souls, they will release at noon, places when animals and humans saw the white birds flew also the Deaf boy saw them, her family felt sorry and strange because on the grandmother's side, she had cried agitatedly and disconsolately for remembering to love a lot of  her favorite grandson, well very sad, and because impossible to think that jumping and transforming the Deaf child into a bird, the birds and fish disappear on land and sea.

     It is the most beautiful paradise in the world, a white bird was the soul of Little deaf boy and flying higher to the sky within the sun, to a very beautiful paradise, to find together with animals such as birds, mice, fish and many others, three very graceful children kind and appreciated that they bring the little deaf boy by the hand, the animals will always love him and in the landscapes there are flowers, fruits and plants, many different animals have run around the Deaf Boy to give many hugs together with the animals to have a new family, who lovingly caress his heart felt very proud. The deaf boy smiled and tears ran down his cheeks being very excited he was looking forward to new friends to live precious moments in a wonderful world.


© 2023 by Cristobal Cisternas 

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