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The book outwith word and the literature 

He was small he likes to see the pictures on the books, he would love to write the story on his idea, but he wrote bad spelling and incorrect grammar that feel suffered so hard to write because he is Deaf that makes a difference between the listeners to understand to read a lot Deaf people speak very plain and linguistically as every natural language does not need the articles, grammar and linguistic morphology in every sign language. Then Cristobal Cisternas wrote that reading and writing as he loved literature, although he tried a lot to do writing little by little well 10 years ago, he has understood the internet and books, he almost never read lips, explaining the Spanish language is very difficult for people the Deaf, he had books such as novels, poems, encyclopedia, and others, books by the most outstanding authors in the world, he was going to wonder how to write the best story among the very good books to recommend more, he deepened learning the many words.

In 2013, he went to the school for the Deaf and understood the elderly Deaf teacher, he taught the students the opportunity for Deaf culture and ancient sign language, they learned acceptance and life-capable of being Deaf, he spoke with teacher old Deaf to tell was a young adult who traveled to Denmark and visited to know the Danish Deaf and places, he showed him "The little mermaid" by Hans Christian Andersen about the true story of unhappy ending, he felt it expressed with knowledge and research looking for the original books of fairy tales and children's literature, he also found videos of cinema, theater, dance and music by adaptation of literary works. Cristobal Cisternas interested him to read fairy tales and watch movies, he was little, almost being a fan of fantasy, myths and legends and imaginary creatures, including fantastic and terrifying novels, science fiction. He researched the Deaf characters or protagonists of published books, there are no Deaf authors in the most prominent literature, he thought a lot that they do not show the history of Deaf people and sign language for readers, but that prefers children's literature for learn culture and knowledge of tradition and modernity, he studied folklore little, he liked knowing history as an ancient to contemporary age, connecting with art, thank you for visiting the information and the figure.

Quintero, Chile

The book "Deaf Boy of the sea" inspired a place in Quintero, Chile. 

The author has decided that he should publish new forms of greater inclusion, he is not interested in fairy tales, but if he prefers to make new fairy tales for the lives of the 20th century to the 21st century, he broke the stereotypes in literary works, such as diversities, human races, disabilities, sexual orientation and gender identity, gender equality and others. Beginning that writing new stories in the collection to create the titles, with fantastic genre and beautiful style like the fairy tale, it is has had imagining the most wonderful stories to keep where the books, it has also done the illustrations together with writing in a book, it was 13 years to advance writing a lot because I was alone not having friends to go out or share the family for that moment as a simple and comfortable feeling of time and life.

book Deaf Boy of the sea

In 2013, he traveled to Quintero, the Valparaíso region, Chile. He visited his family and walked on the beach side of a cliff like a coast with those houses, he was watching the shore while he imagined a Deaf boy living in the deep ocean for such a peaceful life, he had marine animal friends, the sea king was adoptive father and the sea wizard inherited this prince of the sea to protect an ocean kingdom, he never heard there and went to earth to find his grandmother and his real family, he began writing the story, with many inspirations, his favorite place is the sea and the fabulous creatures like animals and plants, there is history with many suffering.

In the fairy tale "Deaf boy of the Sea", about the aquatic life of a child who has no sound in the ears, each main character was naive, tender and melancholic, with the sea king, sea sorcerer and the sea wizard they inherited a prince to protect the oceanic kingdom and sea living beings, when if he allowed a little eight-year-old boy to explore free there, Deaf boy is fascinated with the human world, finds his biological family, but they did not remember well when the sea wizard bewitched the whole family to forget her baby, she did not accept her biological son being deaf. The Deaf boy had a dream to live with his friends and family, but he never succeeded with them, he had suffered discriminated against and isolated, the earth there are cruel humans in places that destroy nature and animals, who still did not love him, the sea wizard forced to throw the magic stone to attack the entire earth even kill all living beings by explosives from new volcanoes will expand many lavas to the entire earth, before he admitted that saying the future will make a new earth reborn of a thousand years by the Deaf boy, he was unable to throw the magic stone, decided not to endure, take his own life, he thrown off the cliff precipice, died into the sea, his body became the white birds to release flown to the sky.

In 2015, he went to the book fair, looked around to see the comics and manga, opened up that reading Japanese manga with dialogue in Spanish, because he had previously researched anime and animation, said that based on books, it represents gestures, characters and places. Later day, Cristobal Cisternas spoke with the philosophy woman teacher at school, they talked about literature, he loved to read the book and write a new one, as he knew it was interesting to publish, the philosophy teacher had thought about the idea to the deaf culture, Deaf people read books without words that can understand those forms such as gestures, people, places and others in images of art or illustration do not show together with the words, she admitted it the literature is so complicated to the grammar, it should have done more detail, that it's the context, someone asks that story a lot. She said visual literature that you do not need to write and only draw the silent story since people read the same thing and imagined different from history, they saw art without problem in books without words, it may be that the world understands that way. Because the many Deaf people do not read or know many words, they understand so complicated that they imagine little, he thought to prepare new literature for the Deaf that present counting sign language and books without words, for a revolution to the future is more inclusive.

Cristobal Cisternas accepted the advice of the philosophy teacher who gave her opinion, produced that making the comic, before inspiring the style of manga, investigated establishing the gestures, characters, places and scenes in the book as the movie and series, when it was small, watching television and movies did not have a subtitle, understanding history, gestures and places. He still drew many pages, but little did he know the artistic technique because the various places did not have the comic studio or workshop, he did not have the graphic tablet, he bought basic materials such as thick papers, inks, pens, rubber, graphic pencils and black watercolor. He worked a lot every day, like tomorrow to night, because they don't make me collective, just like doing many pages, based on the story "Deaf Boy of the sea" by the same author, then he changed the title "Sordito del Mar" (Little deaf boy of the sea) because two books are different from fairy tale and graphic novel, he drew a year ago.

Graphic Novel

To finish a year's drawing, a woman librarian asked him to do a project, but she knew little to prepare, while Cristobal Cisternas was restless to draw as he is not a very good draftsman because she expects him to process, with the project, then send it to him incorrect data to the reading project to donate a lot of money, he did not have money to the publisher, but he was not winning the project to the book in 2016. Cristobal Cisternas' sister helped him find that he had done another project, they did not support him because of the complicated country, he was looking for other publishers, but four publishers rejected the graphic novel without words, they had waited five years ago. Later, the editorial man found him before he met his sister's boyfriend where soccer, they want to ask the Estratos publishing, he accepted a graphic novel, but he saved money before selling the paintings and others, also his family and near people donated him two years ago. In 2020, he published the books on social networks, he did not have the book launch due to a pandemic crisis, the many people bought him, they transferred and sent to other regions and other countries, he managed to take a box to another country, but the shipment is very expensive and complicated to international shipping, there are also no books at the bookshops.

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External links

- Sordito del Mar at goodreads.

© 2023 by Cristobal Cisternas 

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