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March 18, 2022

King Hernis and the white mask

Cristobal Cisternas

First chapter
"The beautiful boy"

   Once upon a time the castle where the king forced hard and strongly that the orphaned children should be enslaved were servants who work cleaning like other boys and girls in all the many rooms of the castle. In the garden of the castle, the birds were flying and following him someone was singing, it was the Beautiful Boy, his name was Adrito Emilio, he was very little rested because he was sitting on the grass, he was still singing there castle had a wall so long and big there is the monster soldiers controlled to defend hard, even some places in the castle.

King hernis 1

   The other boy servant was by that girl's side at the naughty door, asking Beautiful Boy to take the bucket to the well. He threw the bucket into the well, pulled it up again with a rope, he had brought the bucket full of water from the well to the door, when she arrived it was a childhood friend of Beautiful Boy called Dinistana, who worked as a servant in the room, she touched the bucket on her way out to the princess's room. Some asked them:

   "We would have been able to make or go to the party for the foreign kingdom, we will prepare to invite," thought the Beautiful Boy, feeling that he could be an assistant with those orphaned slave children who will go to make this ceremony so special. Although they tried to make it bearable for hating the king that they did not please him, the servant boy wanted to tell him that knowing every afternoon for a king he forced to send the slave children to make, carry, clean and prepare.

     They talked about the party about orphaned children, Beautiful Boy played with a broom while many boys and girls were working on this castle, he was tireless because they had little talk other than to do the special ceremony, assuming we would do it, but he stopped boring them knowing same things, Dinistana spoke little to the Beautiful Boy, they knew what to repeat, knowing the stories of those boys and girls in childhood as they grew up frequent, remember us; arrived at the castle, where the children were slaves because the king stole the children, so their families never knew anything when King Hernis felt so happy while orphans arrived, before the monster soldiers stole in the village near the forest, near the field in midnight there is witchcraft like two witches and a sorcerer lived in the room in the Castle, he forced them by attacking with black magic to eliminate memory for children through the towns, she was told in nostalgia, in sunsets.

     The next day, the other girls are cooking breakfast, after serving young boys to the dining room is huge, to the table. King Hernis was walking, it was strange how a man was half a woman for a man, he wore a dress that was not a knight, he painted his lip dark red, he had the crown of King of Hesne, the castle had a place name, Hesne was the kingdom of the north, she was interested in being an unbeatable woman, she did not have a beard as she was proud. His younger sister of King Hernis called Satrime was the humblest princess, and next to him at the great table, also beasts were not horrible at a table breakfast, King Hernis sat with a royal chair, cowardly children serve them with plates and golden cups towards the table, the respectful people did a very good job, said the king:

     “The meeting ceremony or festival to invite the royal people of the other kingdom, the king and his family will visit me where inside my castle!" exclaimed King Hernis who think through easily do.

     Transcending three hours to go to the very huge kingdom courtyard, give supposing of the dwarf beast, the half-human wooden body, the magic messenger of the king as a human body of a crow, and the other human messenger of the king. King Hernis had powers, he had created that enchanting magic powders scattered from backgrounds in canopy of reign those beautiful and clear things like the clean and bright rooms, the many vases, by the king's chair as the highest backrest very bright. That place being wonderful and the view good, king Hernis controlled it, indicating with magic to light it as a very clear candle that never melted, some children admired the patio, it is wonderful.

     At night, those children had very hard jobs, then the Beautiful Boy and Dinistana thought that they would make doubts very reason to help them in waiter, cook, cleaner and others by talking to each other in the decision.

     After three days for the children they cooked many meals such as cakes and others in guarding the dining room, the children could not eat because they were starving because the monsters controlled him as cook, the Beautiful Boy insisted as an assistant to some they cleaned, washed, cooked , carried and cleaned for children also the young servant, the other helper girl was seven ages, ten servants have become responsible for ordered to be helper, but the king told them all should do those.

     At night, some very beautiful monsters preferred to dress in light colors in the king's room, there he would bathe with milk. Then he painted pink on his lip, skin was white by making up very beautiful, King Hernis wore the white transparent scarf for his covered face, crowned the king's crown, put on such a long orange cape. In the royal court of Hesne, the children and these young orphans arrived, they attacking the king's leader, walking towards the royal chair by the king proclaimed them, in the king's court at midnight, sides of monsters, beasts and human slaves .

Second chapter
"The white mask"

     Every day at nine o'clock, there was the party especially, he sent them all ordered to the king's courtyard so huge and wonderful, there are special and tasty meals, the servants brought trays with plates, some orphan children swept on white ground. Later, King Hernis bewitched his open hand to beasts and monsters turned into humans, to have the perfect and beautiful clothes. Until noon, the kings of the other kingdom and other people came visitors in that castle and in the very large courtyard, King Hernis was very smug, he sat with the golden chair of the king, but it was the demon king, they did not know who in his secret, he faked his feeling and they bow to the king:

     "I am King of Hesne, Northern Kingdom," Hernis said, veiled with a covered face in honor.

     "I am king of the White Kingdom, and this is my queen wife, my prince son, and my princess daughter over there," said the king. They bow again, the king smiled "Welcome to my kingdom and thank you for visiting my kingdom"

     There was a general party as the beginning of dancing and talking in enjoyment, the other king looked at the queen, also looking at him, those couples also flirted with their hands while King Hernis felt unpleasant there, they dance romantically in the courtyard.

     He felt annoyed panic that listening to the music of love, he was very envious and jealous of them going to flirt.

     "Hey, you should separate your partners, don't flirt anymore," King Hernis shouted because he didn't want to see love for couples and boyfriends in his castle while a king and a queen also submitted and felt intimacy. King Hernis was angry that he did not want them together, but he allowed the party to have fun as free for a king, a queen, prince and princess of the White Kingdom thanked the castle he ordered cooks and servants to be taken with waiters with the dishes for walked to arrive at the party. The good king and the king's messenger spoke that approaching king Hernis is so haughty there, the Beautiful Boy heard the waiter after he began many dishes and adults drank wines and natural juices, she responded to some foreign people like people of white kingdom. The beautiful boy endured very tired to drop the empty plates not break, about princess and prince.

     "Why are those children jobs?" The princess of the White Kingdom said.

     Prince Pencio helped pick him up with the dishes, waiters came up with Beautiful Boy's arms to raise, he felt surprising beauty to him, he was very handsome as a young man, tall, precious eyes, he is looking at the face of a prince like opening his heart, those waiters were suspicious and the princess was astonished.

     "Why are you looking at me?" Prince Penco said to the Beautiful Boy who was quiet and shy, seeing them felt distrustful as well as disliked, he revered the prince and the princess, "I'm very sorry".

     He ran away with the dishes to take to the kitchen, he thought to him to be angry. The queen heard her sons Pencio and Obeya talk about following the king, she was on the side of king Hernis, he please them. The children are cooking in the cook room:

     "Allow me to go to the garden, I don't feel well," he said walking to the back door while children were suspicious of him, he walked to sit on the green floors in front of the tree in the castle garden, the Beautiful Boy was anguished to cross his arms when the red bird poses with his hand, he would like more affection in the birds, rabbits and mice there.

     In the afternoon of six hours, after finishing the party when that royal family and the people of the White Kingdom was the country of the east, they were leaving in the Hesne castle, some workers were orphaned children by obligation of the king, he saw them curious then the boy and the girl flirted as he was able to kiss her while the children looked happily at the boy and the girl kissed in love, there King Hernis's angry eyes opened and his princess sister felt tenderness as love thought, they were happy while King Hernis felt anger his hands on his head as if mad, in the courtyard:

     "No, he didn't allow love, you are sinful, please respect my law and I am the king," king Hernis shouted then he punished a boy and a girl have love.

     King Hernis accused them of pointing there, he ordered the beast soldiers to grab the boy and the girl hugged each other tightly, but they could not separate, even with trying, they amazed the girl had the boy's hand together:

     "No one can do good that I never forget or need then with my impossible life," the king declaimed, so smug and indifferent, to slaves and orphans.

     The boy scorned to move his unpleasant hand, directly kissing her quickly with a hug, the girl cried in love on kissed lips. King Hernis shook his hands, he cast a black magic that made the boy and the girl shine, turning their bodies into very small rats, they saw them, in the courtyard, King Hernis smiled to knock on the door and this loud feline noise when the black panther was small came to appear in the open door, the children stepped back to stop king Hernis heard the panther for two rats could not run "Now eat fast!".

     The black panther seized the rats slowly to eat with claws. There they felt pain because the boy and girl had died, they did not want to see there because their hands covered their eyes, also Princess Satrime, who discussed it with her brother in lament, the soldiers defended him, King Hernis was indifferent, then he collected a drop of blood and put in a potion that turned into liquid gold appeared, he kept that brought to a cabinet with many potions by witchcraft.

     At nine o'clock in the evening, the Beautiful Boy took a nap in front of the tree on the lawn of the king's castle garden when Dinistana played a call with Adrito's arm, he already woke up:

     "Adrito, are you alright?"" she worried, it was her infant friend, she was very confident, “yes, I forget that, now I feel better”.

     She smiled to tell the love platonically about her history and thing: she liked the prince he was so handsome because of my first crush, then the castle because he refused to be a wife, but I don't know what to do the girl will always live without a husband, her imaginary really that Just as heartbroken, there the birds and small animals saw nothing hiding in that place, the flowers bloomed when spring would begin, so fantastic, the child was grateful, he liked to hear her kind words for her, he told her.

     "Could you meet the princess?" she contented, saying the good idea.

     "Hm, I don't like girls," exclaimed the Beautiful Boy with disgust, standing up, the children were listening to him like that at the back door and some windows, she also put a hand to her mouth, "Really?"

     "It can't be, I'm so sorry because I'm the boy," he said, fleeing that place.

     Dinistana was wrong to ask because she never knew how to be different from her impossible love, the children came to her in the garden, they sat down, they wanted to talk with friendship about the children, they support him in a thank you from the garden, they thought someone leaves their castle, but no they know that it doesn't matter to him.

    In the king's royal room for a midnight, the beasts spoke the curse to the king, everyone felt comfortable when carried with the potion for King Hernis, a messenger brought him with the black book of the curse and inhuman messenger had brought with the dagger is a knife pricked while someone poured a liquid gold to the maleficent dagger in the black book, they counted the new black magic to be evil. King Hernis closed his eyes and stabbed with a pricked knife at the black book, and leaving him, two messengers bowed.

    We waited two hours, a dagger moved only with stabbed into the black book, a knife gleamed light from red to orange the book exploded as the fire from sprouting purple and blue smoke in a dagger raised the air above.

     "My king Hernis, I am of wisdom of the curse" someone said to the king, smoke turns into the human body was inhuman than to wear white mask and his long suit. "What are you doing?".

     "I remember everything in that black book," smoke said to him, smiling happily every time he could with a curse in the king's room.

Third chapter
"The beautiful girl"

     The next morning at three o'clock, the Beautiful Boy hid to flee to the king's royal court was empty in the closed door of the room. In the patio, he walks slowly and calmly because he had thought that deciding those things in my life so different in being a man I never knew what would happen when he remembered that falling in love was distressing because boys like girls a lot, he felt sad in the enormous courtyard, his head lowered into crossed arms kneeling by the place of the legs sat on the floor.

     The witch was an older sorceress, she came to look for the king's courtyard, but she saw that a boy appeared, I heard "hello, excuse me" to him while the hand moved to his shoulder, suddenly being passed by, with a sad face for looking.

     "You don't worry, why are you sad?" the sorceress asked, she wasn't so bad she wore the ugly dress, the king believed the witches and sorcerer to be demons, but they weren't demons because of the secret he made it hidden to be good and saved.

     "I'm a monster and weird, they made me angry because I'm different where I can love" he thought, scared, she didn't believe he said, like a sweet boy also the beauty boy, "And why?"

     "My body is mistaken because my heart loves it and I'm in love with it, boys always love girls, but I'm different, I don't like women" the Beautiful Boy exclamaid, he heard the sound of someone arriving at the king's courtyard, "Hello".

     He felt scared again that he had thought they were looking for me in his hand he grabbed the sorceress's arm without worrying who knows who, the witch and the sorcerer appeared to see between two, the second sorceress was so kind and affectionate for median, and the sorcerer was mischievous because he was small, the older witch was also nice and elegant on high, they followed him:

     "You are very beautiful. What does he call you?," she asked.

     "Adrito Emilio" the boy said, the sorcerer thought that when the sorceresses grabbed his sleeve, they took them to go to the place of witchcraft, it was that most wonderful magical room.

     The witch created an idea for a boy to wish him something, she asked him "Do you want to be a girl?," he was shy and shook his head at her.

     "Okay, I think so, but because I'm a boy, I have to be in love with another boy," he said.

     Two witches and a small sorcerer felt so tolerant of him that they had found him a potion in a cupboard after throwing some things into the big pot while the sorcerer picked an aroma flower and the sorceress had cut pink ribbon from her hair, taking told him a transformed magic.

     "But how do you feel in body?" the good witch said and he thought, decided and accepted a wish "Okay, I don't know what will happen to be a woman, my dream is the beauty and sweetness to my female body, I'll wait to get the boyfriend for the prince, hopefully he will love me and we will fall deeply in love, well I'll be a girl".

     "When you become the body of the girl, you will be very beautiful, with your beautiful hair, with your favorite dress, with your face so beautiful, wait for he to get from a true love. Hey, I don't know what to believe the prince of the white kingdom will be in love with you, you will become a princess," the great witch explaimed, with genius.

     "It will be Princess, what a beautiful princess" they exclaimed happily and sweetly, beginning to mix in the place of witchcraft. The last magic of bright water to put into the tiny magic perfume by the sorceress said the transformation especially also amulet of power, but she did not understand what had happened, put magic perfume in the hand of the Beautiful boy, used with amulet to change her gender.

     "You're calm, touch perfume to her face," said the sorcerer while they rejoice, he put an amulet, he was thinking capable of becoming a girl, when perfume was pressed, a very delicious aroma, magic powder and combining many extraordinary things like soft and bright smoke after something disappears, the girl with a dress and her long hair appears by magic. The witch, sorceress and a sorcerer amazed wonderfully at her:

     "What is your name, beautiful?" She asked the girl happily, he can change his name, "Gesila".

     "I love it like this, I'm Gesila" exclaimed the Beautiful Boy, he changed the girl from seeing everything to seeing the mirror, he felt adorable to be beauty for the contentment.

     She stayed in the witchcraft room, later, the sorceress made another pot, it had yellow magic water when her amulet put magic water in a pot for her, she advised spelled amulet for powers, then a hand moved tiny perfume appeared to disappeared, then she could remove amulet for without spell, returned to use for spell and remain gender, but returning to appear there in the witchcraft room.

     The next day in the other castle of the white kingdom, the empire of the earth. Prince Pencio had asked the king and queen to be parents. His eldest son would love to go to the spring festival in the village the other night, forever he allowed once to be independent, he was brave and intelligent, they were smiling and joy in the castle.

Fourth chapter
"The fantastic festival"

King Hernis 3

     In the castle of King Hernis, they who had warned them about the spring festival by the people, it is fantastic to the Beautiful Girl he wanted to go in wish for the question, he had thought the friends were good, for he felt indecisive.

     "Until midnight," the sorcerer worried Beautiful Girl.

     At six o'clockin the afternoon, when the Beautiful Girl went to the garden on the way, and investigated the wall where she had a corner, she already found him while the birds sang magnificently to her, she was amazed and shy because some who knew who she was for the boy's song, did not want sing the hands moved denied there with noise in her hid the tree and two children spoke, someone saw behind the beautiful girl hiding the tree, children arrived two have wanted to talk to her out of concern, "Who is that? ".

     Once she was scared jumping to the ground while they admire her and she asked because she didn't know her well:

    "Who are you, how does the new girl arrives? Why have you come? it is dangerous because the king's law arrests you" said Dinistana, in front of her.

     "My name is Gesila, I'm not the maid and I live in the village because I'm looking for something in those places... Ah, I'm a spring festival inviter. Do they want to go to the spring party at night or not? Beautiful girl said.

     Many children will not be able to go because they had been cowards in danger of king Hernis, so six orphans will be able to go to the party, the Beautiful Girl walked to a secret place after wearing wonderful costumes to them by gossiping an amulet and pressing perfume something was bewitched to appear . Some felt falling in love with her and some felt envious of her very beautiful when they got ready, they went to the festival on the way to the forest almost further by six children enjoyed her.

     And walking on a forest path as a route to the town, before they hid to leave the castle:

     "Gesila, how old are you?" Dinistana asked.

     "Hm, you forget my age, I already told you times I'm thirteen years old," exclaimed the Beautiful Girl, immediately her hand covered her closed mouth.

     They didn't think any doubts and yes they have confused that. The Beautiful Girl said "Ready, I'll find you that place near the festival".

     Six servants were happy to go to the spring festival, artists and musicians danced dances and played with instruments as very wonderful singers, strange and extraordinary costumes had to match, with many different colors, air lamps went up.

     When Prince Pencio arrived with his sister Obeja and two friends to the spring festival, they no longer wore royal crowns, so they better not see a prince and a princess in secret. And dancing we have heard very delicious in the best music, six children and the Beautiful Girl gathered people danced and enjoyed at the party, Pencio and they saw them happily when she amazed two amazing boys rumored, then the girls watched the prince and the princess when they knew them before King Hernis's castle, while the Beautiful Girl felt adorable with the dance moving arms and legs that caper. Her eyes closed when she remembered that singing with birds and small animals, Pencio was curious to admire her that giving a first crush for her is very beautiful also the magical dress and bright and sweet face for dancing. Dinistana had seen the prince enchanted, he was handsome and brilliant, but he ignored and nor seen her, he was sad because her heart ached in this town. Many people such as children, youth, adults and wonderful creatures moved disorderly or marched in the festival:

     "Prince Pencio is already here at the festival" said the servant girl to Beautiful Girl whispering in her ears.

     She reminded the prince to help and pick me up, while she was anxious not wanting to see him every night they are still left, when beautiful girl ran searching the nearby forest spot and they didn't follow:

     "You must go to the spring festival, then you will search where the small island in the lake when it could only dwell," she remembered what to say about the good witch.

     She was looking for herself, trying to make her way to the forest, she had no neighbors or people who lived by the lake, then someone would find the small island with a tree because she felt happy. There the prince Pencio looked for her again to go every place a girl for her had chased, she also walked Dinistana hid to follow him or behind the prince, they both went to the forest and the great lake.

     The Beautiful Girl gossiped about the amulet necklace and almost pressed a tiny magic perfume that bewitched released dust of light thrown like yellow color and the wind, then the spell had disappeared and she kept perfume in her skirt pocket secretly, take advantage of someone's noise, late in time because he did not want to show powers to humans for losing, he walked from behind applause with him and they were surprised:

     "I love to meet you," said the prince raising smile, The hand waved to her. Facing between Pencio and the Beautiful Girl on the edge of a large lake, she felt pale from shy, "How do you know me? Why have you followed me? ".

     "I don't know what to say, it doesn't matter, but you are very beautiful, you will be my princess," the prince said to her, blushing.

     Dinistana had a heartbreaken to fall in love with him, very curious because she was hiding in the Beautiful Girl's place, the prince spoke to the transformed girl not to tell her story and things that did not show her life of the boy for anxiety. After two hours they both talked walking little by little flirting to the town, he wanted to answer her name and last name, but still the Beautiful Girl had no parents or last name.

     And the Beautiful Girl was surprised to hear the noise of the clock saying midnight, she ran away and the prince tries to stop her, but they are escaping until midnight that the Beautiful Girl has delayed the children to run and Dinistana is also running while Princess Obeja and two friends got together to quickly arrest Prince Pencio to go immediately in everything he went to separate the spring festival. Going to the castle of King Hernis in the forest further from the town, Dinistana was talking to her as they walked:

     "Because you chose the prince that you want to be your husband," she said thinking about something to decide, "I don't do him, I think the prince likes me, I'm excited."

     "Look at me, I really like the prince, he's very handsome," she lamented.

     Beautiful girl understood her, she didn't tell them out of fear that she thought: "Oh I'll be the princess, the real princess", she didn't want to be pretended in silent panic because he was a boy disguised as a girl, until King Hernis's castle but she had not been able to enter the back door in the garden, some children wanted to accompany her, they entered the children were happy the new one arrived in the castle then Beautiful girl told the boys and girls happily and delighted, they wanted to ask and conversation to the beautiful girl there. Dinistana and five children felt grateful to Beautiful girl, as they changed from wearing the old slave clothes at night.

Fifth chapter
"A magical house on the small island"

     On one day, in the castle of the white kingdom, we were having breakfast with the king and queen parents sharing their children:

     "Good news, I want to say that I am happy because I found her very beautiful yesterday at the spring festival," said the prince, being in love.

     "What, what, who is she?," exclaimed the queen mother, he replied, "I hope she will be my new princess."

     A king father and queen mother are smiling with happiness entering their children, Pencio was the eldest, Obeja was the daughter and the other prince was the youngest son, his name was Zanie, they were the brothers, there the non-slave jobs were good adults to support them in the families kind and kind.

     In the afternoon in the other castle when the Beautiful Girl went with children to the royal courtyard. King Hernis won in the huge courtyard. The orphans see her while she hid with children together, King Hérnis told it:

     "Good afternoon, my poor slaves and orphans, all of you…" King Hernis proclaimed when the white mask and the black body, was interpreted as a curse behind King Hernis, humans could not have seen. King Hernis was amazed when he whispered to her in rumor because the white mask knew it to tell her who was new not from the castle while they couldn't hear the white mask's voice.

     "Who's the new girl, not a maid?," King Hernis asked there. The children remained silent because they were very scared when the king saw her to conjecture for her, he already found hers. "Come me".

king hernis and the white mask
King Hernis 4

     "What's your name? What are you doing here?," King Hernis said in front of the transformed girl, "Gesila, I am a foreigner girl and spring festival guest from the nearby village because I have to visit those children."

     "Are you going to visit my castle?" Why are you making slaves, who were they? I don't know you who, I don't agree to come to my castle, understand my law says forbidden a new person will come to my castle so you don't work or visit something, now you'll dismiss liberty there," King Hernis exclaimed, to Beautiful girl was expelled, but he demon king did not know it was the slave boy because the white Mask did not say anything later to know who.

     She was sad too, children had to be separated from her alone, King Hernis did not want to see the sadness, for a moment she had been going out in the king's courtyard while those orphans said goodbye to her, three sorcerers arrived carrying one tiny wooden magic box to the beautiful girl:

     "I'm glad, please can you build my island house in a large lake, you can sleep and eat in my house" said three with good send to the beautiful girl.

     King Hernis returned to the courtyard, before three sorcerers disappeared:

     "Go away you're stupid, you can't live in my castle because you're already unknown or new, I don't need you here my castle".

     Then she went out behind the castle, she walked to the lake in the distant forest, when she pressed perfume and removed the amulet necklace towards her body transformed as if returning to the boy, now it was the boy and to arrive in the forest to that town because he gave her all the magic boy who go to the market bought basket and food.

     In the evening at eight o'clock, the Beautiful Boy ate the bread with orange marmalade on the edge of the big lake there the tree on the small island, then opened the tiny witchcraft box to see combining potion when he gossiped his necklace in front to his face he then blew on magical, glowing yellow powder tossing into the air in a tiny magic box. He could go to the lake by a light body without stepping on water, he was happy to dance in enjoying the water, he walked to play, because his amulet necklace worked the powers that explore the lake in light is very clear and large then appear the house had a small tower next to a tree, a wooden dock apron with a wonderful boat, when the magic ended.

     He stood on the ground in the house on the small island, he felt happy because one night and the house very beautiful by inspired the air after he entered the door into the house.

     The next day in the afternoon, at the White Castle, the king father talked to the queen mother, they were worried about the doubt for their son Zanie not yet having a girlfriend, then they had been going to Prince Zanie's room, he looked out the window to forest and lake:

     "Dear son, I want to talk to you, I have a question for you," said the father king.

     "Why did you never find a bride or look for her for the other princess?"" the queen mother replied to Zanie, he was bored, he didn't feel her.

     "I don't want that," said the prince scorned, the parents wanted to try to marry their son to another girl, "Your brother found a new princess".

     Prince Zanie was disinterested and felt neutral as the parents declaimed to challenge him, then the prince fled into the other castle, going to the forest and lake, each before arguing between the king and queen became angry.

Sixth chapter
"The purple box of evil"

     And the castle of King Hernis in the northern valley, in the king's room, the white Mask spoke black magic to King Hernis to imagine the volcano will attack the earth, damaged and fragile lives, it will be a new country of the curse, he told evil things in a smile of evil for being present.

     In the very huge courtyard, the children and young people were here for the king will arrive when he saw the children felt excited another girl to say "congratulations" also a young in love, they whispered to a young, they both separated those groups, the girls they spoke to her in happiness. King Hernis was very curious to guess one of the girls when he looked down and touched her hand on her abdomen making her smile round.

     "Eh, a young girl is pregnant, she has a baby" thought King Hernis, he was surprised and unpleasant when he had remembered the couple with the baby, knowing that the young was a father while they flirted between young people.

     Up to three hours they went out in the large court of the king;

     "Hey, the girl you stayed there for me, come," said King Hernis to the young girl, there were surprising children that happened to worry about her. "Yes, your majesty".

     "Go away, go away, hurry up," King Hernis yelled, angering those children and the pregnant young girl's boyfriend, they were coming out the door, going upstairs.

     "Congratulations your son, come upstairs," the king smiled at an insecure young girl who was alone, then knowing how to go to the royal room.

     The pregnant girl felt the same fear as she trembled her hands on her abdomen to follow him with the king walking to go to the very large room. Before producing white mask he carried a purple box as a small coffin then to find something, King Hernis was in front of a pregnant young in the room:

     "Who is the father of your baby or is he your boyfriend?," King Hernis replied to the girl is subjected to endure, shut him up.

     "Then I don't want to allow you to be pregnant, I will never see, lack of respect for my law, I am a king, you don't understand anything," the king angered, acting restless with resentment, making his hand move up and down when white Mask whispered to the heard from pregnant young behind, they were silent, she felt fear in her open mouth through listening to him and king Hernis smiled, she cried crying with the baby in the room, someone gave control to the curse to her abdomen, for a very short time  and fast, she gave birth or gave birth in a squatting position, then a seven-month-old fetus fell to the ground, lifeless.

     After three hours in the afternoon at five o'clock, she was crying inconsolably and leaving the patio causing her to go to the other room, they were looking uneasily at the pregnant young, as they trembled, her boyfriend felt anguish that not know in fact about king:

     "My baby has already lost her life," she said sadly, responding to them, they gave inconsolably.

     In the king's room, the White Mask told him about the interpretation and advice of black magic, King Hernis closed with the purple box to put it in the closet before taking the fetus out to put it in the box. King Hernis believed that wanting to be powerful of evil to the White Mask for sacrifice, call two messengers to them, they ran for message to a king.

     He showed them with the dagger all gold was clear, bright and perfect two messengers were covetous of his eyes, advised to control and guard.

     "My dagger puts the black magic for the cursed land, protect yourself from harm," King Hernis ordered, everything was prepared with the black magic for the valley so that the evil land will be born, but I hope more lack to remove benefit and happiness for stealing. "Where's the dagger box?".

     In the next day, sunrise as the sun began wonderful, in the magical house of the small island when the Beautiful Boy got up in the comfortable bed in the small tower, he saw the window there the lake reflected by enchanted place has the animals, trees , flowers, birds and others, the boy felt very happy because one grateful day, he closed his eyes and the loud voice sang sweetly and kindly there the animals were peaceful perhaps they followed him for others those birds and golden fish in the lake, the boy imagined him falling in love dancing on the outside of a small island. I think, there that place every time someone came to the lake and the Beautiful Boy was noisy in the house, his hands covered his shy mouth inside, when someone left the place, he felt relieved. Later in the afternoon, the Beautiful Boy saw with perfume in front of him that he didn't think or decide, but that way he could change the girl for powder and glitter.

     Beautiful Girl gossiped her amulet necklace and had pressed perfume she bewitched to change into another wonderful dress, leaving the small island by there was boat, she rowed the sticks in the big lake, walking to town when people see her in the market and the stores the beautiful girl was very beautiful, then the little boy gave the flowers to changed girl we are grateful.

Seventh chapter
"Origin of the black heart"

     In the castle of King Hernis, in the courtyard of the king, he sat in the royal chair while two messengers warned him there of an important and special day outside King Hernis in speaking to the monsters there are different ones there. His sister was Princess Satrime of Hesne, she told him to worry every time he wanted the question because he came to the king, she tried to along with his brother, but he refused, unable to provoke, he ordered the children to be with princess to go to that town, leaving two messengers, King Hernis was alone in royal courtyard.

     Three servants remained silent to hide the curtain and column in the king's courtyard, Dinistana and two children were cowardly, curious just from King Hernis. He sat down, a hand on his head as it seems in pain for sensing because he did not want to get together with his sister. Three felt frightened by loud noise, they stood silent in the curtain while White Mask was called to behind King Hernis:

     "Your sister loves you because you hate her," said the White Mask to the king with an open mouth, he did not know his story.

     The boys and girl could see how the white mask and black costume also heard well, walking slowly in front of the king, he sat down on the big chair, "I'll tell you your story".

     "You can tell me," said King Hernis with trembling hands, three servants attempted to silence the conversation between King Hernis and white Mask.

     "Hernis was ten years old when he meeted with his friends and his sister while his father and mother were here, king and queen of Hesne then the many people supported the king's court, his royal parents had their sons named Hernis and Satrime, to go out the forest, finding his friends enjoyed talking happily then her heart felt him being handsome and bright when two boys had been together, she tried little, but he didn't hit on himself. In the Hesne castle they were together with his sister and family, every time Hernis hid in his room from the queen and princess there is a closet of dresses, he wore the very beautiful dress that provokes the adorableness of being a woman, he painted pink on the lips and cheeks, after after painting pink on her eyelids, she saw her face in the mirror: “I'm going to be a beauty” when her sister Satrime appeared at the door, surprising her;

     "I'm sorry, I'm sorry sister, please don't say anything to our parents," Hernis said to her, he still ran to accuse his parents, he felt sorry while they felt amazed at him in front, the king felt angry to hit Hernis's cheek , the queen challenged Hernis's call for punishment in a locked room for up to a month in freedom.

     "Why had they punished me?" King Hernis said to him, while three servants did not thank him for understanding the story on the hidden curtain.

     "Your majesty, I believe that your parents did not want to be a woman for you, they prohibited love with another man, so they did not accept you because of the cruel and terrible period," white Mask proclaimed.

     "And tell me my next story."

     After a month to three days, he went from the garden to the forest, Hernis saw him walking in front of him, he ignored him when another girl walked to the young man having a new girlfriend, Hernis was depressed in heart broke, he felt so happy because he fell in love with her, the The youths applauded the young boy and his girlfriend, because Hernis was shocked how his heart ached, he thought: "I already love him but whoever doesn't fall in love with me times. I'm never handsome at all, really."

     His sister's friends laughed at Hernis, he was weak and anguished in his legs trembled, to hit him who did not appreciate the boys and girls, he marginalized, he escaped very quickly to the valley further away.

King Hernis 2

     The white Mask finished telling her story while she was shocked because she thought an infant friend and they were in the curtain.

     "They deceived me, I want to kill the humans" annoyed King Hernis who would not tolerate any more, in the courtyard, knowing nothing,   white Mask immediately had an idea. "We are looking for the enchanted boy as you are".

     "We are already making a sacrifice here, the dagger will stick to a purple box that is being evil, we seek to kill a sweet and delicate boy" King Hernis said, there three servants were amazed, White Mask was satisfied, "Exactly and perfect!"

     "Then I didn't want to be happiness because they disdained me like that," King Hernis said, selfishly and furiously.

     He argued with the white mask with the black costume for a horrible scream, a king leaving the door that left him alone, he stayed for two minutes, then he disappeared quickly like black smoke, the patio was empty, they left the curtain, Dinistana thought to him, said between the curse in black magic.

     "Who is the white mask?" Where is Adrito?"

     "I don't know who, I never heard whose name,"  a servant boy said, because they caught part of the secret life and invisible person when everyone didn't know him.

     "The white mask was an evil sorcerer and the wisest hidden person in the world," thought Dinistana.

King Hernis 6_edited.jpg

     Three servants worried to run urgently and looked for Beautiful Boy at the door in flight, while Princess Satrime went to the room of children and young people, orphans to occupy hard for the entire castle was very pure, she asked the some who want to go to the town, but only seven children prefer to go with princess of Hesne, for seven orphans they will already be with Satrime to thank them.

     At a very beautiful sunset, with the calm walk and affection, Satrime spoke lovingly to share seven orphans felt happier when they found the Beautiful Boy surprising, appeared, they immediately walked in front, they hugged him and princess Satrime made him happy in the town in a nice day:

     "Where are you? How do you sleep tonight, my boy?" asked the princess of Hesne was very grateful and most humble.

     "Your Highness, I am in the wonderful house on the small island," the Beautiful Boy said, showing it by pointing to that place.

     "Let's go, let's see" said seven, two hours had transpired, they went together with Beautiful boy to go to the small island by the great wonderful boat and combine in the lake.

     When they entered the interior of the very beautiful magical house, satisfied with admiration, they carried something, and prepared dinner at the table for three orphans they helped the Beautiful Boy, when they finished, they dined, sharing Princess Satrime and seven in the desk:

     "I have a question. Why don't you like the bride?" the young boy asked, they suspected that he was also silenced, he replied to the Beautiful Boy, he was silent, he felt repressed.

     "I think it won't be bad at all, could you marry her or not?" the little servant girl said.

     "Okay, I don't know that I feel anything, I won't stand to tolerate the same lives as you, so I'm different, I don't know if I don't have the problem of my gender, but I love him," the Beautiful Boy said, he felt suffered for love while the princess was sad at his side.

     "What happened, your highness?," two servants said worried, they looked at her, she smiled at him and took Beautiful boy's hands as thanks, she took advantage of them to tell.

     "I am worried about my poor boy because he could be the same as my brother Hernis, he was very young a long time ago," said the princess of Hesne. He asked her, "Is King Hernis really the way I am?"

     "I saw him wearing a very wonderful costume with longer clothes as drapery, he painted red on his lip and his long black nails, also her eyelids with amazing colors, very presumptuous and effeminate," said the girl.

     “Excuse me your highness, why is the evil king hateful and disturbing?" the beautiful boy said to the princess, the children thought to suppose. "Eh, is he right or not?"

     "Of course, now I am going to tell you his story, the king is a demon, before he changed the evil life, my brother Hernis was very good and grateful person when I was little,"  the princess said.

     When twenty years ago, I saw my friends making fun of him, the young man has also suffered, the love deceived by Hernis made him fall in love, but he liked women faithfully for his feeling, then they laughed at my brother, when he was escaping to the valley to climb up, I also secretly chased that place, Hernis felt sorry to kneel on the ground near the tree it was important and sacred because it takes care of life joy and benefits as illuminate yellow in branches and leaves together with stars protected in the tree beautiful. I was surprised Hernis felt very bad with tears when he raised his dagger mirror to see: "Brother, please do no harm."

     He moved from behind on the head, he touched hard with a sharp and pointed knife, he saw her repentant, "Leave them, I want your happy life because you are born from an important tree."

     "Never save me, you deceive me too, they hate me, there is a traitor because I truly love him, I can't be," he denied, furious.

     Prince Hernis cut the tree trunk with the dagger, his sister lamented the cry to break the tree that was reborn from the malefic, the trunk was fragile, then the inks sprouted and flew and black smoke was the black magic while the stars disappeared, sprout to climb the demon, he attacked to get into Hernis's body converted the evil before who made him open his back as he cut the skins where the spine, the demon had put the tissue and blood on Hernis's sword, he returned covering the skins to go together, it will be revenge of evil for he was possessed, the hateful life stabbed the tree and purple box because a demon gave a power of black magic throughout his body, he had a more powerful spell, his tears fell on me and Hernis despised leaving me.

     Twenty years ago, my brother prince still never got to join my family in Hesne castle, after a year my parents died from the battle of traveling another kingdom further, when they prepared Hernis's coronation he was the lonely king then spelled black magic that attack to humans turned into monsters and beasts, then the soldiers stole the babies while their families changed into bodies of other animals, released the forests, when king Hernis saw the young woman kiss her with love between two women while The king punished two women, when the soldiers grabbed to take two women to tie them with a large stick and many hays with firewood like the bonfire, he threw the fire that appeared in his hand, he threw a fire to cover the two young women for burning their bodies , then King Hernis took out with big potion to the black powders on the ground.

     "He was the good person when he cut down a trunk of Hernis's born tree becoming the demon king," the princess said.

     At the table, those children tolerated the princess loves him for the Beautiful Boy felt excited that we give joy in lowering our smiles.

Eighth chapter
"A crush between the Beautiful Boy and the prince"

     The next day, in the afternoon, the very huge courtyard, the king, children and beasts were here, he sat on the royal chair and looked there very curiously, the boys see her very beautiful she was perfect as attractive and seductive they criticize and visited to interested flirtation, the white mask was whispered to Hernis' ear by secret sound from behind invisibly, he raised his chair and called her, she felt pale with cowardice in front of the king she was sorry because she likes them:

     "Then you are very attractive as a libido because you are interested in men," the king said to the girl, he grabbed her long hair "I don't, please let me go."

     "I mean, you never seduced men into punishing you" the king said, he smiled and left her when the king proclaimed there, just talkative, he blew the magic on the hand, move hard and closed the girl becomes the old woman like the very old, the hand opened the very small glass box to put that yellow water, she was very weak and sick, leaving the door when Dinistana and two servants told them they did not know. "Where is Adrito? King Hernis and the white mask are evil demons."

     When he heard behind Hernis many people muttering for them, the children looked at them looking for the Beautiful Boy, while he returned to the enormous patio to quickly challenge them to declaim because traitors, there they lost their cowardice the king got angry he said:

     "Who knows the white mask?" exclaimed the king yelling at Hesne Castle.

     After three days, the princess and seven servants went out to hug and say goodbye to the Beautiful Boy, he was alone in the town, before they understood he counted to could not go to the castle because he was punished or escaped. While in this white castle, her father allowed Prince Charming to go to the forest and the queen was happy because her son was happy with her. Later in the afternoon, in the forest and lake, the beautiful boy was lying in the very green grass, he thought calmly and looked at the bottom of the sky, when his eyes closed and inspired by a smile, he had investigated that listening to who sings longest in the voice softly when many other animals coming to the beautiful boy, together with small animals and birds flew around in the big lake, in the lake putting there are fish, toads and others. In the forest, Prince Zanie walked those many trees and pines, every time someone heard a lot of noise was sung to look for him at the lake, finding him that beautiful boy appeared in settled with the animals.

     The boy amazed him, he was very beautiful, he really likes to cross him:

     "Hello, I want to meet you, are you alone?" answered the prince, the animals flee to the beautiful boy, cowering from the noise behind.

     "Who are you?" the Beautiful Boy said.

     "My name is Zanie," the prince said, but he never told him that he didn't know how to be the prince. "I'm Adrito, how do you find me?".

     "I hear your beautiful voice as you sing sweetly and softly," the prince answered, the beautiful boy was happy, amazed, blushing, they agreed.

     They talked the question and answer between the Beautiful Boy and the prince in a free time, walking near the lake;

     Moving forward, the boys talked about things and remembered, they walked those free places while the Beautiful Boy was amazed to see:

King Hernis

     "What happened?" said Prince Zanie also saw there, a deer has two horns is alone in the forest when another deer has two horns comes to him together, love between two male deer in kissed and caressed as in love also male bird next to chased male bird fluttered to play, also the coypu like the female otter and another female otter are lovingly together in the grass, other animals were diverse in the landscape.

     The Beautiful Boy was happy because all of nature, the prince is in love because he saw the beautiful boy for the first time that gave joy and happiness in very cute.

     "Do you want to go get my boat?" asked the beautiful boy.

     "Boat? There is no boat on the great lake," thought the prince, he pointed out there is a boat on a lake.

     In the castle of King Hernis, seven arrived and the princess of Hesne, orphaned servants children and youths for kidnapping like flowers grasped hands and starfish glued their mouths shut, King Hernis seated the royal chair, from behind is the white mask appeared in two open curtains, that dark place:

     "The white mask," the princess said amazed someone, he smiled, he also saw his sister being discussed when seven hid what to look for in columns, they saved Dinistana who slowly escaped at the door, they threw hard at flowers and starfish to her, then friends hugged her goodbye, Dinistana ran into the forest further by escaping to leave Hesne castle.

Ninth chapter
"The secret of the Shapeshifting"

     In the seven hours of the afternoon on the lake, the prince and the beautiful boy were in the wonderful and big boat, he rowed with a stick in front of the beautiful boy he felt happy and also enjoying talking to him about many other things for him, he saw waters moved like peaceful winds in inspiration, around in the lake through the center of the small island.

     Then they went down by the big boat, opposite between two, there the forest and the great lake very beautiful and natural that is the harmonious place, when there is a yellow sun and an orange sky, there they had many fireflies in the background of landscapes:

     "Hey, do you have family?" asked the prince.

     "I don't have the family" said the Beautiful Boy, he was astonished by thinking that having the family in the house. "What is your last name? ".

     "I don't have a last name because I'm an orphan "said the beautiful boy, I couldn't decide to tell him because where the castle of King Hernis as the king kidnapped to enslave the many children who forget their families, he yearned in his mouth.

     "You are my beautiful boy, you are very handsome and nice, I like you" said the prince falling in love with Adrito, blushing laught. "Really? ".

     "I really like the boy, you'll be my prince," exclaimed Prince Zanie, his hand brushing aside the Beautiful Boy was amazed.

     "You will be my prince Adrito."

     "Ay!, I'm a boy because, because I'm a man, how impossible," said the Beautiful Boy to him, when he agreed to see the other prince in love with the Beautiful Girl as he said "You will be my princess" immediataly the Beautiful Boy ran to town because other prince will wait to notify for mask party in remember this same place, Zanie yelled. "Hey, Adrito, where these?."

     "Excuse me, I have to go because they are waiting for me for a moment" the beautiful boy said, he worried about being a boy to me, hiding the forest, the prince still looked for him.

     When he gossiped his amulet necklace and pressed magic perfume to change on the woman it was the Beautiful Girl, she kept perfume and walked to the road to look for the town, then the other prince look for him because a true crush for Beautiful Girl, saw him not being here, she felt relieved because Prince Penco was later when she arrived very tired and fell on the ground, she was amazed to save her:

     "What's wrong Dinistana?" said the beautiful girl.

     "Gesila, I have bad news because the children and young people were kidnapped by Hesne Castle," Dinistana said.

     "I'm going to King Hernis's castle," exclaimed Beautiful Girl, the two of them sat down on the bench.

    "No, no, that's dangerous," Dinistana said, stopping to grab the beautiful girl's hand. "Why?" Who is it?".

     "King Hernis and the white mask" she said, she was sudden "Eh! what is the white mask?".

     Dinistana had told the Beautifu Girl everything on each bench there at sunset, almost the sun was over, telling the story of Hernis he was a good person he changed into a bad person, until night. Then Prince Pencio, Princess Obeya and friends arrived, they announced tomorrow the White Kingdom Castle party due to the news announced in the town when Dinistana and the Beautiful Girl walked, they proclaim to the people, she saw Prince Pencio, he ignored her well so we made him meet quickly, he called to talk about Beautiful girl next to Dinistana, he was patiently sad because he wanted to love him.

     "Tomorrow, I'll invite you to the party at my castle at eight o'clock," he said, they were surprising, she decided to hesitate while her sister Obeya thanks her, she was very nice.

     "My family wants to meet you tomorrow," Pencio said, catching the beautiful girl's hand, but she pretended to be pale shivering, she was wonderfully amazed that she could go to the party, she had been envious every time she never greeted each prince had been disinterested in Dinistana.

     When her infant friend grabbed the Beautiful Girl's hand, they walked away while they were amazed that they did not understand her after following many people who had taken advantage of the fact that they wanted to make the prince and princess.

     In the forest and the great lake, the infant friend wants to talk to the beautiful girl, she argued with Dinistana, she got angry with anguish, challenging herself that we will go to the White Castle party with the Beautiful Girl, the prince thought to find him after a short time they would marry when Dinistana will that not knowing the future, now they were quiet in the magical house on the small island. At dinner, they ate healthy salads while she felt sad because Dinistana made her angry for not talking to her, later in the bedroom, she went to bed not wanting to sleep in the beautiful bed, the living room had three beds next to it, the circular window is big so she sat and watched the window to the sky there are many stars and moon, she despises in bed and blow out the candle, she submitted and saw the window at night.

     The next day, at Hesne Castle, the white mask spoke evil things to King Hérnis, he did black magic as he threw two potions into the purple box because of the yellow powder, a purple box painting a symbol of malice life as it is formed by stars arranged in a circle on the center of the eye, take the dagger.

    In the king's courtyard, the witches and sorcerer saved kidnappings by letting them throw flowers and starfish, two sorceresses did magic attacking the open door while the children, young people and others ran to flee and do something disorderly they abandoned Hesne castle when King Hérnis arrived at the king's courtyard, surprising with a lot of rage in shouting accusing they forced the monsters and beasts to run: "the battle begins, attack outside" said the king, leaving the door caused the room to go, he asked him:

     "Who is the boy in love with another boy who wishes he were his boyfriend?," King Hernis thought, the white mask speaking behind King Hernis, "He is an orphan servant named Adrito Emilio, disguised as a girl."

     "Adrito Emilio?," King Hernis exclaimed.

     "She was the boy, her name is Gesila when you expel her towards the exit door," he replied, the king felt embarrassed, he did not know anything to know who, we need to kill him by stabbing him nailed a purple box, there is a last sacrifice. "Where is Adrito?."

     King Hernis took out with the pointed knife that he called it and moved that hand to the mirror of the golden dagger, he demonstrated the imaginary vision inside, the bottom of the forest and the great lake, to the small island, the face of a beautiful boy changed into a girl's body "Wow, the boy transformed into the girl."

     "Good afternoon, your majesty, you are invited to the mask party," said two messengers, human and magical, and the dwarf beast.

     "For me? I think I can go to White Kingdom Castle,” King Hernis exclaimed happily.

     "Gesila will also go to the mask party tonight," the white mask replied to the king.

     "Ay, Gesila was the Beautiful Girl, but I assure you to say Adrito was the Beautiful Boy to them they should know who was faked his body, disguised as a girl" said King Hernis.

     They talked to each other to know the world so the king felt happy, they admired the white mask with the black costume as an evil spirit was behind the king, he waited for him until night at the castle of the White Kingdom. King Hernis forced them to carry a dagger and purple box to the longest valley that cursed place through the wicked land for two messengers to go to the valley.

     In the evening, the Beautiful Girl was desperate because she did not have the new dresses and Dinistana was unconcerned, the beautiful girl longed to see her hands try to enchant, but she did not know it when someone knocked on the door, she opened the door, two sorceresses and a sorcerer had come in to hug the beautiful girl, she was happy and Dinistana suspected who:

     "Worried we don't have the fancy new dresses," the beautiful girl said.

     "Oh! Seriously, you're going to the white kingdom castle party. Prince invites you?," tall sorceress said.

     "If you must calm down, I have the dresses appear very beautiful," said little sorceress.

     "Please close your eyes," said little sorcerer to the good friend, it was surprising that she didn't believe her, the beautiful girl caught it by her hand, she accepted now her eyes are closed.

     Three sorcerers gossiped her amulet necklace and beautiful girl pressed tiny perfume and opened tiny wooden box that let out glittering on glittering powders two girls were blown around, they changed to appear illuminating the very precious dresses Dinistana wore the new dress she wore the new dress, beauty surprise. The beloved witchcraft moved him to live in the magic house for thanks to the beautiful girl.

     They should go to the port by the big boat, they went down to the edge of the lake when the horse carriage, the prince and friends invited them to wait for them, the Beautiful Girl smiled and her friend was grieved, they got into a royal car like white and gold , traveling to the white castle by car, the prince was interested in talking to the beautiful girl while Dinistana leaned out the window more quietly, the Beautiful Girl was quietly nervous because they did not know it was the boy, friends laughed talking to each other, and she is dissatisfied.

Tenth chapter
"The mask party"

king Hernis 8
king hernis and the white

     In the white castle, they were arrested when the prince went to look for a room, they kept advancing expecting more, the Beautiful Girl took out the magic perfume and she was amazed catching to remove the perfume in her hand, she immediately threw something to a wall by the magic perfume shatter for a powder disappeared while her little amulet necklace exploded fragment like falling shatters, she lamented because she thought she couldn't changed to being a boy due to losing powers, although she should have stayed in being a girl she was panicked and argued, she walked despises that leave her. In the village he had the battle between monsters and beasts when the slaves and humans escaped, the princess Satrime who searched for him the king is not here, she found that black magic book that has his evil sorcerer name from the room in Hesne castle, all rescued to the children, the sorcerers defended that save them against demons in many places.

     In the castle of the white kingdom, Prince Pencio grabbed the sleeve of the beautiful girl who was shy and worried about feigning and quiet, they walked to the king's courtyard as a background of light blue almost whiter, many people like different dresses, lords and ladies wore elegant and rich, many some wore various masks, they danced, they talked with enjoyment, Prince Pencio danced Gesila for him he saw the beautiful girl's face attack, but he certainly did not love it: "it reminded me of seeing the male deer kissing , the other boy loved me as my own body” thought the Beautiful Girl, but she didn't want to be Prince Pencio's girlfriend. Well, he hugged her and kissed the Beautiful Girl's cheek, she had felt anxious and insecure, she was wrong to fall in love as confusion and suffered her body deciding to love someone, in the outer courtyard, Dinistana walked suspiciously in the look while someone wore a large cape as the head cover and also wore the white mask, she walked into the palace gate to have a very huge courtyard inside, the party was very cool, she thought to remember that king Hernis was in front of the white mask because he was tall, effeminate and acted very singular with femininity, to run to the palace, she tried to find that to see many people for some they use the colored masks and capes in the carnival or the mask party.

     The prince went with the beautiful girl by arms joined, then they found Pencio's family that the king, the queen, the princess and the prince was Zanie while, she was surprised pale: "When we already knew in lake and forest we felt in love with another prince in his heart”, he shook his hands because he did not know he was the real prince, they saw the beautiful girl was shy with an insecure and quiet smile:

     "My girl so cute, your name is Gesila, right or not?" the queen mother said.

     "Your majesty, yes, that's how I am," said the beautiful girl bowing to them, feeling uneasy in silence.

     They felt grateful to her, she is very nice when Dinistana had sought to call her detained, because the urgent voice had not been called out of respect for the king and queen in a closed mouth, near the beautiful girl and the royal family. And younger brother Zanie would have looked at her Beautiful girl for he is being a suspicious and foreboding, Dinistana also thought her who was her sister from Adrito as a mysterious person. She saw very curious when someone appeared, she walked to stop behind the prince and the beautiful girl, Dinistana immediately shouted at that every time they heard her see who remove the mask and removed the cape on her head:

     "King Hernis!" exclaimed the father king, there many people saw him.

     "Good evening, congratulations I like welcome to your beautiful celebration, thank you for inviting me," King Hernis said.

     Dinistana took the opportunity to defend the prince and his family by saving them from leaving her, King Hernis walked around the center of the beautiful girl, she was alone and scary with a pale while King Hernis saw her in the palace courtyard.

     "I'm very sorry, I can say the fake girl, it wasn't a woman, that's how he disguises herself as the girl," King Hernis said with reverence, they don't believe and they saw she is very perfect, they didn't believe her like that, but she was so perfect, they criticized him.

     "My brother wants to be Gesila's boyfriend after he will get married," said the princess, the king kept his mouth shut.

     "No, she was the boy," exclaimed King Hernis, he smiled, the prince got angry and they doubted he was lying to him, they argued again.

     King Hernis strongly grabbed the beautiful girl's sleeve, bewitched him in the mouth, blowing into his hand green and yellow powders in brilliant black that are going to fly towards the beautiful girl's body, they were amazed because he was deceived, those black butterflies released rise flying to transform into the fragmented dress, changing into the same body to return from being a boy as long hair disappeared into short hair, although the same characteristic remained, dirty clothes and ugly pants remained, making the boy shiny, his eyes closed and head went up, he wakes up surprising there in the courtyard of the palace:

     "Adrito!," Prince Zanie said.

     The king, queen, eldest prince and princess were surprised to admire that prince  knew very well to the beautiful boy, Dinistana was amazed because she regretted it because she could mistake that it could be his annoyance, she had fled the door, while Prince Penco looked her running because she thought his friend was dissappeared.

     "I'm so sorry," said Beautiful boy.

     There they felt anger and offended grotesque cries that happen the disgusting and heartless words towards him he went traitor such being deceived as sin, the king, queen and princes ignored him in silence because they all go angry at him, when his eldest son hit him  his hand clenched sometimes to Adrito's belly, with unbearable pain and he fell to the ground on his face, he got on his legs, kneeling and sad next to King Hernis laughed a lot:

    "Poor my little slave, you've already woken me up, thanks to you," King Hernis said, when the white mask appeared, quickly call King Hernis behind his head, to take it a boy was a last sacrifice for the curse, he stole by kidnapping the boy the much black smoke for some swiftly disappeared bodies while those good witches, good sorcerer and the other princess arrived to look for concern to them in the palace:

     "The white mask sacrificed himself to the boy, but really he will kill him so our land will turn into the kingdom of hell due to the invasion," exclaimed the princess of Hesne, the king remembered the horror because before meeting him, "What the mask white is a demon."

     "Please save Adrito, he was the sweetest boy and most wonderful person in the world, we ask for a lot of forgiveness," they said there because they feel grateful to the boy he was good and nice, the princes and princess understood him now that they feel forgiven.

     The king and queen of the White Kingdom accepted them, they released to defend the battle between monsters and humans, the princes and princesses also people and Adrito's infant friends defended him out of revenge for fleeing to look for the town and forest towards the valley by the sorcerers chased to defend.

Eleventh chapter
"Benefit and curse"

     In the valley, King Hérnis advised the beautiful boy to be sad, agreed there they were angry for being deceived, he felt happy that telling him he was marginalized for Adrito felt pain in his heart that he did not give nice to them, take the dagger and a purple box in the ground, he took out the pointed knife and afflicted for the beautiful boy thought to be capable of evil, he must nail himself to a purple box but stop every time the white mask spoke to King Hernis who discussed how he knew the demons attacked the earth and the Beautiful Boy he was astonished to drop the golden dagger because he contemplated appearing from the white mask, telling him those evil things and in front of King Hernis, the beautiful boy must have scared because he heard a sobbing fetus, the white mask declared evil for King Hérnis decided to confuse him.

     They came to appear to save him while two witches and a sorcerer bewitched him to appear limit blocked against demon and evil, beaten fell, Prince Zanie tried to save the beautiful boy, he tried to explain that he asked for a lot of forgiveness then he accepted his forgiveness, immediately he he grasped his hand as a beautiful boy, he could jump, they hugged each other before falling to the ground and they defended when white mask attacked Prince Pencio with will-o'-the-wisp by Dinistana he ran to save him they fell to the ground, the princess called him:

     "The white mask, your name is Baktad, you were born in the black book and you are a demon of the underworld realm." When the Princess Satrime did know to read that book of a black magic, the voice broke the curse for the white mask disappeared as it transformed into smoke in the windy air. King Hérnis felt panic, "No no no."

     King Hernis bewitched him by the black magic in his trembling hands that attacked the curse, he was unable due to a blocked limit, children, princes, princesses and others attacked him, he drew the dagger, when King Hérnis saw the prince hugged with beautiful boy while he had been jealous, suffered so envious and selfish that hating true love.

     When King Hernis stabbed to nail in his hands they clenched, he nailed to a purple box having to rise the blood is full to drain to the ground, he began, his feet step on the broken glass that is hot and punctured, because of the uncomfortable pain, the ink has the fires were lit on foot, they bled the body burned with fire, even singeing the body of King Hernis with fire, because he turned into a demon like a black body and a skinny face, they admired horror, the Hérnis's skin were wrinkles with fungi, they had a burn and wounded all over the skin:

King Hernis 10

     "I love you, sister," replied king Hernis, now he changed into good and grateful person, the princess who also remembered him Hernis was little happy, "Please kill him."

     The prince looked for the other dagger, causing Dinistana, the dagger found it beneficial and saving for the king, Princess Obeja embraced that the princess also grabbed the children defended them, taking the dagger beneficial and saving for the prince, it is thrown very quickly to kill thrown the dagger into his heart of Hernis the magic for fires exploded because killing was a good person finally turned from evil, disappeared like transparent fire into air like yellow dust released in the wind, killed a grateful person died in human. They felt happy because the end of evil in a purple box was born to turn a beneficial and beautiful tree that would take care of all lives on earth, the princess was sad to remember her brother being loved and enjoyed with their families, now there is almost no family when Princess Obeja supported the children to hug the princess as well, the prince Pencio took out in Dinistana's hand, the prince Zanie hugged and grabbed with Adrito's hands, three sorcerers cast a spell on his hands from the Beautiful Boy who broke the spell, they walked the happiness while children applaud bravo two boys were boyfriends, all smiles.

     A month later, in the town there were no separate kingdoms, other distant castles, many people come to the town near the forest and a large lake has many animals as they followed the beautiful boy, there the wedding of the queen of Hesne and the king of the south would get married, the king father and queen mother hugged Adrito to thank him for being the prince's boyfriend, Dinistana falls in love with prince Pencio, he agreed bride, the queen mother has two friends, they invite them, surprising the queen and her with joy another queen is married as two women are in romantic love in the same person, there they are applause of bravo for winning and supporting us, the infant friends are enjoyed and free because the Hesne castle broke the servants, orphans and slaves into freedom, the monsters turned the creatures are not horrible, the flying sorcerers dropped the flowers at the wedding also the fairies and gnomes, the Beautiful Boy felt excited, he wore a white suit, also the prince hugswith  his boyfriend, but they don't marry hard, they was happy over there, many people love them, the parents are happy for their children, they felt happier, Princess Obeya was moved. After finishing the wedding, even the married couple going out to the castle, the children recreate themselves with the Beautiful Boy, Dinistana, the princes and princess, they all ran to the forest and the great lake, they enjoyed playing, running, talking and dancing when the Beautiful Boy she sang longer and joined with her boyfriend while the animals, the birds, and other beautiful creatures also went together to them together and everyone was happy in the great lake and the forest.

     "Prince Adrito Emilio, a Beautiful Prince, a new prince," they said to him there in the beautiful kingdom, two princes lived love and engaged to be bridegrooms forever.

© 2023 by Cristobal Cisternas 

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