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"The Chilean Revolution"

"The Chilean Revolution" (Spanish: La revolución chilena) is the painting painted by Cristobal Cisternas in 2019 and one of the most famous, better known "Social Outbreak" (Spanish: Estallido Social) and "The Dignity square" (Spanish: Plaza de la Dignidad) by Chileans was recommended by its name of painting.


Cristobal Cisternas went to the theater in Santiago, he meet Maria Sieblad was the director of the performance group Nerven & Zellen, before last year, they went to the International Encounter of Deaf Art from Valparaíso Cultural Park in 2018, when the other woman director of inclusive theater for Deaf people invited him with Cristobal Cisternas for a discussion about theater with the Deaf actors, they asked Deaf actors a lot, they answered them while they did not ask Cisternas, then two people said the theme for children's stories and adapt to the theater for the deaf because They criticize or opine old books do not have the inclusion as Deaf characters and sign languages, they look for another way to do something. At the last moment, Cristobal Cisternas explained to them what to think about the new children's stories about the deaf, human races, people with LGBT+, people with disabilities, indigenous people and others in the works, while the director of Nerven & Zellen interested him and talked about asking Making you think about the new theater, the author accepted it and brought the collection book of fairy tales in the other day. She either chose one of the stories "The beast clock", Cristobal Cisternas even asked if he would be an actor or the main role of a child, or she agreed to participate in that theater with the Deaf and she prepared him to start the project. The last month of the year, the project won inclusive theater with sign language, another year Cristobal Cisternas always went to Santiago for work.

The Chilean Revolution 






Cristobal Cisternas


Oil on carvas 

150 cm x 220 cm

On October 18 it was before he was performing in Santiago and he finished my rehearsal with his companions, they were the Santiago metro subways were closed, they were very nervous and they went together at 6:00 p.m. He had a bus to Valparaíso and Cristobal Cisternas was walking many subway stations because they were closed on Alameda street, some deaf people lost many problems along the way. He was very nervous.In Central Station there were many disturbances, he did not know where to go and many people are full while he had endured to enter leaving, the police had thrown tear gas bombs, I got very close, his eyes closed tight and I could not breathe, he kept walking they were very Tired and fell to his knees, while the protests fought against the military and police (Carabineros), but they shot some protesters, Cristobal Cisternas tried to escape quickly and then I had to walk a lot he was walking very fast, because they were closing the terminal on Libertador Bernardo O'Higgins street to Los Pajaritos bus station, when he arrived there was a guard, there was no order, he shows him the ticket and helps me, a bus found him and I could come to Valparaíso, he has returned traveled, he was relieved, but just like feeling so exhausted and fear to see the cell phone on social networks to publish that the videos between the military, police and protesters that have been injured, with the violence in the streets of other cities, the bus got off, the city was peaceful and arrived at his house and with his family at night.


inspired on the painting "Liberty Leading the People" by Eugène Delacroix, Louvre museum.  


Based on the photography "Chile awakened" (Chile despertó) by Susana Hidalgo.  

After a week, some close people went to work and he stayed at home, he could not go out every day, because it was very dangerous for the deaf, he was at home, he could not leave worried while the protests, carabineros (police) and In the military in all cities, Cristobal Cisternas was bored and not as unbearable as feeling in quarantine, some days he did nothing and was alone in the house, he saw or read the social networks about the artists publishing many paintings, illustrations, drawings and others that adapt the Social Outbreak (the Chilean protests) of 2019 on the internet, news and information.

When Cristobal Cisternas traveled to Madrid, Spain in 2019. And he visited the Prado Museum and four museums, he was fascinated to see the largest paintings by the surprise that the artists made giant works, he had never seen because Chile did not have many more paintings big in some museums, he had books and thought those pictures were small, but he didn't know what measure is. He decided that he could pass the large painting through and then bought it the fabric, wood and materials, built it the largest picture in his room, painted white to put the fabric on. He is inspired by the painting "Liberty Leading the People" by Eugène Delacroix and connected with the Chilean protests, also based on "Chile awakened" the photograph of Susana Hidalgo.

Cristobal Cisternas painted a bigger picture in the room for everyone, like one day at night, he passed by and caught up with various groups, the Deaf community, LGBT+, feminists, indigenous peoples, people with disabilities, students, the elderly , and others in the pictorial scene for up to three weeks the painting ended because without going out in the house, as historically, it published on social networks and the Chilean peoples shared more highlighting one of the favorite paintings in November 2019.

Origen of the painting

The triggering factor for these events was the increase in the rate of Santiago's public transport system, which came into effect on Sunday, October 6, 2019. After the rate increase, thousands of high school students organized to carry out acts of evasion massive in the Santiago Metro. As the days passed, the number of evaders increased, registering incidents inside the metro stations. The situation worsened on Friday, October 18, 2019, when the operations of the entire underground network progressively ceased due to the confrontation of the crowd with Carabineros, which led the then Minister of the Interior and Public Security, to file complaints for the crimes contemplated. in the State Security Law against those who have committed damage, looting and fires. According to various analysts, the protests were characterized by the absence of leaders and the incorporation, at different levels, of a broad social spectrum, from the lower class to the upper middle class. Although the immediate cause can be attributed to the increase in the public transport fare, the popular concentrations soon exposed their mediating causes: the high cost of living (until 2019 Santiago was the second most expensive city in Latin America), the low pensions, the high prices of medicines and health, treatments, and a generalized rejection of the entire political class and the institutional discredit accumulated in recent years, including the country's Constitution itself. Before, Chileans suffered from socioeconomic inequality, high cost of living, subsidiary status and other constitutional aspects, barriers to inclusion, poor quality of education and health, debts, taxes, natural resources and others.

Origin of the painting, had the history of the painter, with many sufferings in his parents who maintain economic problems and social inequality, they were very poor due to childhood and youth, he found out little thought not quiet and hidden to know about the lives and feelings that need them more, they also did not like those people who make negativism and indifference towards society and low culture, many years ago he did not recover to fix with them, he was tired and afraid, just as many problems in the country. Because lack of motivation and share the culture, Chileans tend to be indifferent and disinterested who reject literature, art, culture and lodge, we feel it claimed and unbearable, this is the strange and poor culture before the lack of education to the Chileans do not know much information about history, before Cristobal Cisternas participated in showing the paintings at that fair where in the Quilpué square, he hoped to sell the paintings, but the Chileans did not see his art and never bought paintings, bearable because it was depressing and anxious to feign his emotion, he told it very difficult about his art. He had his dream that living the country with many cultures and art such as North America, Europe, Japan and South Korea, so different from Chile and Latin America is complicated to art. Cristobal Cisternas did not understand Chileans, they do nothing, his sister admitted that he needed more people to eat food, health problems, society and the family problem, debts, low salary, inclusion barrier, lack of quality of education, they differentiated to the higher life with the culture by the painter, because he studied and researched learned more while many people did not know anything in later, he had earlier than to know the art and culture was his childhood. Cristobal Cisternas demonstrated that the opportunity to paint "the Chilean Revolution" would like the Chileans very much one of the paintings, but they do not exist that greet that painter as an isolation.

© 2023 by Cristobal Cisternas 

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