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March 8, 2022

The Flower Princess

Cristobal Cisternas

   Once upon a time the king and queen lived in the yellow castle, they were the royal parents who had the most beautiful and brightest daughter in the world. Then a father king had sent the invitation to those people of the small kingdom, the mother marched to bring her daughter to go to the big garden beside the trees as it seems from a small forest, prompted to call a moment to join her feeling enjoyed and danced, she sang with her hands as if she had no voice:

   "Please come my princess," said the Queen Mother to call her. She saw her approach her mother speaking in sign language.

  "What's happening? How do we do it?" her daughter asked, pointing to her mother.

   "We can go to the castle now, you should be here for a more special celebration, let's get to the kingdom." the mother said, speaking in sign language to her daughter, which she fully understood, she has gone out to the large garden.

the flower princess

   She had her good and simple name, it was Hana, she wasn't a princess because she didn't have a crown so she won't be able to explore the outside alone, but the daughter was ten years old, every time she danced in the big garden.

   At night, the few elegant people invited them assisted by the coronation of a new princess, but Hana did not know that because she thought that the most specific dinner, the king and queen represented her daughter, they had not spoken anything for her. kingdom place. As people marched to see that royal family respectfully and preciously, the queen and king began.

   "Welcome to the princess's coronation," exclaimed the king.

   When the girl Hana arrived at the place of the kingdom, she joined her mother.

   When the priest brought something this king, she was reunited with the crown on the head of a daughter.

   "My daughter is Deaf Princess Hana, Flower Princess," the king said.

   The queen mother, the castle people, the people outside applaud her: "The Deaf Princess" they called her, she was delighted with a beautiful smile. Some boys looked at her, a deaf princess was the most beautiful princess in the world because she had golden blonde hair, whiter skin and blue eyes, who never heard her voice well or spoke her voice, she knew sign language forever also the king and queen spoke with moving hands, long ago, when a magician saved to learn sign language as the magic language of the hands.

   The deaf princess was happy because all the people had spoken in sign language in the castle.

   The next day, the deaf princess sang sign language with the silentiest music, there is the small forest like the trees danced like the wind, when the crown shone precious light and the flowers bloomed unbelievably bright, the deaf princess was amazed at see the bright flowers. At night, she had stayed in this garden, before observing one of that tree house between the center of the smaller house.

   The deaf princess walked towards the trees, they are few, each girl still could not hear anything while the place screamed the sound, she was alone walking towards a little house because she had suspicions around, because she did not know very well, what a strange place she had to touch a door handle, he already opened it, he was looking at a room that looks like the courtyard to put the house, he did not know this girl, it was the young cook who cleaned herself with the broom, the deaf princess tried spoken sign language with her, because someone would never know what to communicate with talking hands:

   "Thank you, when you arrive at my little house, you are the beautiful girl from the little castle," said the young cook, speaking her voice, not in signs, but she did not understand what to say about the young cook, her spoken mouth. open and closed, the deaf princess had said sign language to be serious as an unpleasant gesture, and did not understand in disgust when she looked at the royal crown then she envied the deaf princess who was the royal family, who had become se she thought for the king and queen they didn't know sign language because she never visited them, but to communicate about her before approaching when the young cook, she went to help the princess sit down this chair, then she did to remove shoes as ballet flat to go, the deaf princess did not knew, she looked at the thorns short and small like a fingernail. She was going to put on her shoes and took out the curse amulet for the deaf princess, she was already wearing the necklace, she also put on her shoes because of the pain, but she didn't know what to feel or distinguish the doubt in the same way, she had been screaming of pain When the young cook expelled her from pushing outside at the closed door behind her.

   "I hate dumb Deaf girl, mute," said the young woman cook with the insult and laughing in the house in the middle of a small forest, next to the large garden.

   As the deaf princess walked badly hurt her feet gave her the pain, which bled the dark red footprints in the grasses. Last night the crown illuminated the flowers were used to bloom the magic lights in the big garden, when the deaf princess was tired of walking as if trying to sleep, she used the curse amulet that her necklace had shaken, she was already enchanted . Castle for the Royal family and the people turned their minds, bad things and rude words came out of an argument. I let the flowers bloom by pressing the petals, include the crown that let shine in that darkness, the deaf princess passed out asleep on the ground with green grasses, the stems or branches already entangled and quickly to cover her body by the many leaves, in the great garden in front of a castle, at night.

   The following week, the prince was riding the horse, they were visiting the small castle, he suspected that seeing that place there are stems with the leaves in the form of a hill because he had thought doubtfully, when the prince asked him to uncover the leaves and stems, he already found a necklace in the glass is green light, but he knew that object with the curse because he took off the damn amulet, before leaving a necklace on the rock and hit with a stone attacking the amulet, breaking the glass into pieces, broke the curse, turning to convert us from the spell, then they uncovered the dead stems as dry, incredibly, the princess appeared, she had woken up to take advantage of the spell, to blow the wind to heal there, to a castle and places, families and people felt serene peace and silence, blooming the illuminated and beautiful flowers. The deaf princess got up to get up, we are surprised to see that prince they knew us when they were little, wonderfully opposite between the prince and the princess, someone spoke to her in sign language, but he did not understand more than us, she spoke to continue more.

   "Okay, you didn't know our sign language," said the Deaf princess.

   "I'm already Deaf," he answered, he couldn't hear anything, even very little voice, the deaf princess felt sorry for not knowing anything.

   Every night when she began to sing in sign language without a voice, his hands moved lovely and beautiful that was the feeling, the deaf princess sang with her hands while the flowers bloomed beautiful and bright. The deaf prince admired that she fell in love with her, while he sang silence and a spell to understand for him the memory of her speaking sign language appeared, he already knew everything in our language, in the great garden.

   We would recover that we spoke very well, the deaf princess was happy because he saved her, which she felt thanks to a deaf prince, he had already agreed to be the deaf princess's boyfriend, they hugged sweetly and kindly, he replied that the curse occurred:

   "She gave me the necklace," the Deaf princess said in sign language.

   So the royal parents and the people were looking for her in the great garden, they had already found relief, the king and queen had embraced a new concern for their daughter, they spoke revealed by them they wanted to know the fault to whom, in sign language that we communicate.

   "The young woman cook from a small forest center house," she said.

   The king had to have the soldiers search for her there, the queen hugged her daughter to take the small castle marching.

   "Thank you for saving my daughter," the king replied to the Deaf prince.

   In the morning, at the castle, the king and queen were angry to side with their daughter and their prince, after arriving the young woman cook was arrested by the soldiers, they subdued her, because the deaf prince had accused a king already a queen that being the punishment for the young cook, she was a liar and marble, prey.

   "Sorry no, please, I can't make your princess, I swear," said the young woman cook.

   The father king strongly enraged her, and had condemned the penalty for her to be such a liar, the deaf princess showed her shoes on short and small thorns to the parents who saw duty, the king forced the soldiers to take her away to prick her with needles of iron, in addition she pricked her tongue, like magical acupuncture, but her body was very sore, we never heard any scream from her, the soldiers also played to nail strongly, she cast a spell on the young cook so that she would turn into the turtle, the king said lay off the castle, the soldiers took that tortoise to release the big garden into the small forest.

   Tonight, the castle, there is a very nice dinner, the queen mother and father king were happier because two were deaf the same, the deaf princess got a new boyfriend, and the deaf prince congratulated true love, they lived happily ever after.

© 2023 by Cristobal Cisternas 

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