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Chuchiñi, near Salamanca, Choapa province, Coquimbo region, Chile.

Salamanca, Chile

Early life 

Cristobal Cisternas was born on October 2, 1997, in Salamanca, Chile, and lived in Chuchiñi, the town and countryside near Salamanca, his family was very poor, his father worked in agriculture and construction because he lost school. And his paternal grandmother worked goats, chickens and animals. They discovered that knowing the three-year-old boy, he could not hear due to hearing impairment, the doctor told him, before his voice did not speak and he moved his hands little, the family was disappointed because they were restless, anguished and frustrated. without knowing how he does it. or communicates with the deaf child, because they did not have the technology to inform the internet and the family never knew the deaf community and sign language, they thought a lot, they distrusted the deaf due to the barrier of society and the lack of inclusion in the future and trying to try the same of a lot of suffering between the family and a deaf person who is incurring the complicated situation at school, and in some places, he had been isolated that he lacked understanding due to the difficulties of childhood. The following years, he suffered a lot of intimidation and discrimination in school and other places outside because of his anger and ignorance in society, they never spoke sign language in space.

Salamanca is a Chilean city and commune in Choapa Province, Coquimbo Region.

Then the Chuchiñi school teacher had her niece, she was the Illapel teacher who knew sign language, little humiliated that educating him that he should write and learn to read, but he did not understand something because of a hard mischief, he was six years old, they began to communicate very little. After a year his sister Nataly went to the high school in Salamanca, then she took her art homework, about oil and paintbrushes, to the house, a child found those artistic materials that could be made, had taken or stolen something, when Cristobal Cisternas did not could communicate sign language to the family, he had the expression in feeling and idea, they did not see a child what to do alone, he had begun to paint with an oil paintbrush on perhaps a cardboard or hard paper, he chose one of Colors to match more, because before the field school never had art education for children, but it brought up the arts and entertainment crafts. While the family contemplated the surprise in their eyes that a deaf child was painting alone, thanks to the art they helped and they decided to support him with motivation towards moving forward, his sister and mother talked to the art teacher Maritza Méndez Chávez, from Salamanca that I decide to accept, a deaf boy invited him to an art workshop for children, he was only deaf, he likes to paint very much and they took many materials and canvases where in the house he rents to give the workshops before they ask for a permit from municipal and clients spend it, but he had the opportunity to sprout a lot towards art, he got his ideas to new paintings in 2008.


He adored inspired on Ancient Egypt and Ancient history in childhood artwork, he was 7 years old.  


He adored inspired on Asian culture in childhood artwork. 

inspire on Medusa

He adored inspired on Ancient Greece, Rome and others of the history and mythology, in childhood artwork.

inspire on renaissance

He adored inspired on Renaissance, Romanticism and Western art in childhood artwork.

Before 7 years of age, they brought technologies such as television, they had video cassettes and DVDs about the films, they did not have subtitles to understand the story, scenes, characters and gestures in the vision, they have begun to browse more to know more details of art and culture , he was fascinated to see the pictures for books that show many things and found art history, he would very much like Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece, Renaissance, East Asia, and other worlds of history with culture and art many years ago, felt inspired and impressive with the soul and thought connecting with the outside world, he read books and drew copies to express with art stories at home every day while that school never teaches the history of old world and indigenous cultures in the country.

Moving to Valparaíso

In 2009, they moved to Valparaíso, because his sister Nataly Cisternas studied psychology for the university, his mother found the school for the Deaf, but he suffered discrimination and intimidation by Deaf children and young people, he did not know sign language and had been shy with little social phobia. Then Cisternas endured it by attending school, tried to study and read a lot, occupied learning, with a problem of adolescence and a lack of open mind of being Deaf as the most barrier society, then he learned to change in life, tolerance, patience and motivation, because they did not know how to do like life due to the period of the dictatorship and ignorance in this country. Cristobal Cisternas was still at home doing the drawing, painting and literature, he was also watching the videos about art, movies and others, he did not have friends to go out for many times and he does not communicate with their families. While he wrote a lot of the new stories on the idea, but he wrote very badly for the Spanish grammar in notebooks or notes because he had been alone and quiet because of his habit.

Cristobal Cisternas 2016

He attended an art workshop at the Municipal Arts Center in Salamanca. It was only in the summer, 2010 to 2015.

He participated in the painting competitions and won for once as first and second place, the only one was Deaf in some competitions up to eighteen years. And he attended the workshops where the school and some places, he was alone and they communicated the voices and sounds, he could not hear anything, he felt comfortable working the artistic technique for the moment on moving well and fast through his hands. In 2017, Cristobal Cisternas went to the School of Fine Arts, it was so complicated because without a sign language interpreter, the service refused support and to apply, he could not spend due to a financial problem for the institute, thanks for his family and his  woman adult partner more helped him, he almost succeeded well and did not know someone teaches him other artistic techniques through study, he was very interested in using materials that are better qualities, some teachers wrote communicate in his notebook and he had understood and that he does well in exams, no nothing was easy in study.

© 2023 by Cristobal Cisternas 

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