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February 28, 2022

The Ice Virgin

Cristobal Cisternas

   In the frozen land where the sea is colder and the sky white with snow, she was the one who protected and cared for the place very well. Suddenly, two men appear wearing many coats and with the help of sticks to walk and thus go further, towards the mountain, but that was the land of the Virgin's kingdom. They talked about the place on the mountain, while he approached her, feeling her heart move in panic.

   At night, the two men slept in the tent, she came to the place and approached soft as the wind towards one of the men, brushing his arm and saying: "I am the Virgin of the Ice" what the man heard.

    The next day he woke up trembling and told the other man that he could not go, because he felt sick, he was sweating and with a trembling voice he said:

     "She is the ice Virgin, she was in my dream," said a sick man.

the ice virgin

     "Really, did you see the woman?," the other man asked.

     "No, I only heard it, it was like a whisper," replied the sick man.

   In the afternoon, only one man was able to walk near the mountain, then, it blew and a strong wind was generated, which together with the snow formed a storm, which made the man's walk more and more difficult, he tried to advance when he saw amazed that a woman appeared, which resembled the portrait of a Virgin, who spoke to him saying:

    "Hey, are you entering my land?" said the Virgin of Ice.

   "I hate those who dare to enter it, get out of here!," she said angrily, his heart bursting with fury.

    She controlled the winds so that they hit the man who falls to the ground, then covering him with snow to death, because she hates men, she has never been able to love them.

    The next day at dawn, the Virgin arrived on the mountain and began to look at the bottom of the frozen earth that was always white, every time she began to observe, while it changed slowly and her white hair moved with the wind, her skin was white and she was dressed very beautiful, that's when a tern appeared flying that perched on her shoulder and called her name asking:

    "Virginia" My virgin, didn't you get anything with the man? the tern asked.

    "Well, I'm not human... why is there no love for me?," said the Virgin.

    "Do you remember your story?" Said the tern.

    While the penguins were heard beyond, where the Virgin came to join them on the great ice.

    The virgin told the tern and the penguins what she remembered of the story.

    On a winter night, near the mountain, there was a group of houses, with humid forests, rivers and lakes are rich in vegetation, in that village there was a couple of parents who had a single son, 5 years old, at home A very white beggar woman with her long white hair that reached her feet arrived, knocked on the door, when she opened the parents they looked at her in astonishment. The white beggar went to donate a baby to them and the couple regretfully accepts to be adoptive parents.

    The beggar woman told them: “The girl's name is Virginia, she must always depend on you and she won't be able to go outside until she is fifteen. Thus, the white beggar woman fled, abandoning that place. Her parents saw the baby they held in her arms and embraced her in her family, but they felt concern about her future.

    Then when the Virgin grew up the girl and her son grew up the young man, other topics are discussed in the room when his parents arrived at the house, his son will be able to go outside as he found his friends in town and the girl would also like to go outside provokes his Parents did not allow freedom because up to fifteen years you can have a good life. She felt afflicted seeing the window there, the children played outside until sunset, a purple and blue sky to end the sun, the families came to their parents to share dinner with us, uncles and aunts talk to each other, Virginia enjoys being happy because the nice people to you. At midnight, Virginia went to the garden when the frozen goblins came to make hands slowly change white skin; "You will be the Virgin of the Ice, you will live the frozen land of Antarctica, but longer is the ocean"

    "Yes, for up to twenty years," said the frozen goblin, not saying more what it means, but first she must tell them, she can answer me.

    Virgin's hand raises the great snow to the palm of the hand, she recalled the fury at the advice of the frozen elves: "You should not talk to children, not go to open places outdoors, or play with other people" the girl was dependent and alone in obligation to life. When the Virgin was frustrated, drops of tears of fury fell on her hand, squeezing with a violent gesture while the frozen flower breaking hard petals to take away from the frozen elves, she greeted: "Goodbye" to them flee while Virgin saw the star at night.

    After five years, the Virgin arrived in the town, she saw the swallows migrating to fly and I will be alone, seeing a man and a woman embrace a kiss in love while the Virgin felt patient because she thinks she feels in love with him for the loving one. Going to her parents house, she asked:

    "What does it mean is virgin?," said Virginia with doubt.

    "Oh! A person not to have a loving relationship, with prayer," her mother advised.

    "But I feel in love, I need a love," Virginia said to her parents, she decided you can say. "Yeah, you'll find a handsome man."

    Virgin smiled embarrassed, her father made hand with Virgin's hand, her parents felt strangers from her because of the sad, she told him: "the white beggar told her when she gave birth while winter begins at the same time, to be called the Virgin of the Ice because born of coldest winter in the snows. Up to twenty years you should decide when to have a kiss for a true love then you will live together, but not get a kiss for nothing love then you will run away to live in the frozen land of the south for being single always never to return. The virgin saddened with tears, her parents hugged her tightly and caressed her in the house. On another day, the Virgin washed the dishes in the cook when she heard them knocking on the door while she opened them inviting her son to have a girlfriend with another her, her parents are happy because her son feels happy again bride:

    "I will live in another house with my girlfriend tomorrow," his son told his parents accept. The Virgin was amazed to throw the broken dishes on the floor, each time her parents repented: "Sorry, I'm very sorry Virgin".

    "They're calm, I'm calm too," she said, fleeing from another place.

    In the afternoon, due to the hottest summer, the Virgin sat in the square in the center of the town, she saw the water pond with reflection as seen in the portrait, she was very beautiful when the handsome man is alone sitting with her in the green and comfortable pastures, Virgin saw him while he also saw her in an embarrassing blush, the man advances saw Virgin also saw meeting eyes with two faces, the man wanted to speak to her:

    "Hello, nice to meet you, you're very beautiful," said the man.

    "Oh, you're handsome too," Virginia replied, speaking nicely to him.

    Man and Virgin got together to walk another place and talk to each other until the night returning home after separating. In the bedroom, Virgen falls off the bed because he thinks he's in love with her. Every day nothing to find waiting for him not to see each other begins the virgin wrote the letter for the man, taking him to the town, she did not know to see the man already refusing to mail the letter. On another day, Virgin saw the window when the dove came calling you to warn truly: "Remember a handsome man, it was a marriage wedding"

    "Oh! Seriously, I'm surprised," exclaimed the Virgin to the dove I knew that place.

    "I am the wife or the bride because special day in marriage," she thought to have happy she didn't know him.

    In the forest, Virgin follows him as a dove flying to the town, walking a path towards the church, many people support the marriage, Virgin entered, surprised with sadness when the man marries another woman, they are happy because of the suit and the wedding dress, they are perfect, she already ignored the Virgin thinking she doesn't love me in her heart she moved like fear and her hands and legs trembled when he kissed her and they used the rings while Virgin crying him drops drops of tears throwing them the church for fleeing, walking to fall for very unfortunate I take a pine convert more dangerous ice cream to leaves with prick the frozen goblins arrive in the forest.

    The frozen goblins by carrying very hard pine needles will be able to break:

    "My virgin, what happened?," the goblin asked her, she is heartbroken.

    "The man can't get me married, because love is impossible," said Virginia.

    "Sorry, men never love you to take the marriage, but we don't know until twenty years what you will do," the goblin answered with equal pain from her.

    When they leave the frozen goblins, the Virgin walked slowly to go to her parents' house, her parents moved another house further away so the virgin lives in a house in the village because her parents and son will leave her, her parents hugged Virgin strangely be alone.

    A year later, she was worried because the last year she stops without hope of going out of the house to the forest to the town, the Virgin knows that good person as handsome and nice, she follows him in needing to talk to him through her heart falls in love with a young man:

     "Hello, excuse me, I want to meet you again," said the Virgin to him in love, "Hello, what does he call you too? ."

    "I'm Virginia, and you?" she replied.

    "My name is Matías, do you want to buy an ice cream?," he said, surprised by the wonder of "That's how I love myself more."

    In the big tree like the oak while the frozen goblin calls her rumor to hear from Virgin in his ear: "he loves talking a lot about another she" in repressed trauma in the missing goblin young Matías arrived carrying them with three ice creams, I was amazed with pain and gave ice cream in front of me waiting when a young woman came to hug Matías, he smiles with great joy because the girl appeared always happy conversation, he gives her an ice cream because he spoke little to Virgin, he felt sad never save me but he thinks: “ I am ungrateful and ugly” when his heart rages tightly and the goblin punctured a frozen pine tree on Virgin's leg to run away to the forest.

    At the beginning of winter it causes the virgin to fulfill, colder near the mountain the snows arrived, she feels very painful in a broken heart to ice cream she can choke more difficult to breathe when she prayed her eyes closed in front of the mirror in the house, blew the soft winds through the mirror inside an apparition came the white beggar woman in the portrait tell him:

    "The Ice Virgin never have a boyfriend and never find a true love, you already have your heart to be suffering and pain," said the beggar woman to her there frozen flowers fall hard petals and snow storm.

    In the house she has no neighbors due to isolated housing, virgin woke up to see the white beggar woman blew to prick her heart from the young woman very sore in throwing love away you can fury:

    "Mother, since you need to go," the Virgin of Virginia said to the mirror.

    "You will live in the frozen land of the south, but first I kiss an elephant seal to get married, it can take the sea further," said the white beggar woman in the mirror.

    The mirror arrived, the elephant seal put a little outside by the head while the Virgin walked to the mirror, kissed with the elephant seal while the loud noise disappeared, the mirror breaking falling broken glass, breaking things in the house, the window opens the snow attacking to convert with the body of a Virgin, to take it with his powers of ice that had been long repressed; so her hair turns white, she changes white skin and wears white. She abandoned the house and the land so she left the mountain in the Virgin of Virginia to be walked more ice in the winter, once a week to the shore of the sea the islands in the snows, the ice elves put white coat for her when the elephant seal came for the Virgin sat, traveling further in the sea to even the frozen land like white snows.

    The Ice Virgin was finished telling the story, the penguins join her, a tern always followed her for Virgin lives in the frozen land not having inhabited and they lived happily ever after.

© 2023 by Cristobal Cisternas 

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