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March 1, 2022

The Sorceress

Cristobal Cisternas

   Once upon a time, in the great hut of witchcraft in the dark night, the three witches were too wicked to cast a spell on themselves who mixed the various potions of the most varied ingredients for cursing and incantations in the center of a great cauldron when three witches were talking coarse things instead of witchcraft while the witch was singing very disgusted with the unpleasant and strange music, two witches had gone mad, while near the big hut, the tiny poor carp was approaching in the meadow there the girl was the daughter as a first demonic witch her name was Viala, she didn't want to be a mother because she raised the prodigious girl in a witch's demon, she didn't know the wrong potion or make an incubus, the kind girl was very cold and lonely when she saw a star in the evening.

   Every time, someone searched for her to bring the witch girl, then three devil women forced the little witch to fetch the magic flowers, she went further to take away the need for witchcraft, they asked her, then the demon witch took off the shoes like walking a girl barefoot, they entered through the closed door while the Viala girl left the hut, walking through the forest to climb the hill that had the flowers, there dry valleys for plants with punctures.

the Sorceress

   Viala girl barefoot in pain when she was tired, she had wanted to sit with rock to wait for the moment to rest, someone hid the bush to find so surprised that Viala girl was in front of a happy boy so she gave her shoes to Viala who seemed lucky when together they walked near the magical flowers on the hill, before he wanted to get to know each other quickly because he had to be friends with her, he also went for a walk alone and enjoyed the forest.

   They already found them very beautiful and bright because of those magical flowers that make lights shine, the boy is so nice and Viala cut the flowers, she gave one to Viala to keep the secret that the witches did not know human for the little one, when they returned to They went through the forest to the witchcraft hut, but a child was a coward, I will not be able to go:

   "No, I can't get any closer, witches are dangerous, they represent sin," the little boy longed to refuse.

   "Do you think they are like that?" Viala asked.

   "I would like to know if you were a witch too," he replied, questioning her. I am a good person, she thought as she confessed. "My name is Viala, and I am the daughter of witches."

   "You are the sorceress!" he exclaimed as she quickly fled from the forest towards the village, for she did not understand.

   She has opened the door of the hut what a surprise there they transferred things, three witches have yellow and red eyes when they control black magic for the red flower on the table, the girl Viala gave them the magic flowers, she made the potions, the witch had to go to the girl Viala to go to the tent to sleep near the hut, uncomfortable and cold in bed with the floor, and sees the witches enter the huts.

   At night, the starry sky, the Viala girl saw there a hut on the site has a lot of long grasses, the tent pyramid has older cloths a girl walks in when she took out the magic flower she thought would be evil, she ate a petal for life so happy through never suffering and pain changing love. She then fell asleep while the hand that illuminated the stars appeared on the bed and in the new big red and gold tent, the Viala girl smiled and closed her eyes, she was in a big tent.

   So many years ago, on a clear day, three black witches came to call young Viala, she was the good sorceress of the hut, she brought the black snake to that sorceress Viala, let it be the witchcraft mascot, that fear, three witches as old as long white hair and skin as wrinkled, yellow and red eyes:

   "Viala, bring me a puppy," ordered the witch.

   "Puppy? Where are the dogs?," she exclaimed.

   "That town in the middle," another witch said.

   The demonic witch forced the cheerful young woman to throw away her shoes, she was already denying, she did not want to take them off on the way while the angry witch had to control the winds and her eyes lit up, but the young Viala threw the shoes by her hands , she was uninterested, she will go for a walk in the woods and fields, there the witch is curious she certainly couldn't think about it and three witches scoffed at the rumor after entering the hut. The sorceress hid the forest to be so happy when she bewitched her with hands that look like shoes made of leaves, she will be able to walk well, she jumped happily through the forest towards the village.

   In the afternoon, the sorceress Viala already bewitched appeared with the orange dress and headband, looking for a puppy when the little boy arrived at the village that he admired was beautiful, he had dogs with nine puppies but he ran away with a puppy to Viala in near the village in the middle of the mountains, the good boy was happy, he gave her what luck for her but she was anxious because three demonic witches need a puppy, she saw that a puppy was very cute like a little baby in it just goes away every time Viala thinks about deciding not to take a puppy away for evil witches.

   After the night, returning to the hut in a forest, she caressed her with the little cub, Viala thought of turning the black snake into provoked by a cub who was faking the snake she got from being a cub when the sorceress saved a puppy escape in the forest then the snake transformed from being cute dog will give the demonic witches an animal sacrifice, young Viala knocked on the door outside the hut open it brought out a dog and witches rejoiced before hurting a large pot to green and violet water, already throwing a dog into the pot, but the snake changed, the witch took the opportunity to throw the eye oil and the rose oil into the pot, she read the book of the devil's curse and told her:

   "He put the pot in, took out a very beautiful red hibiscus like a beautiful pale pink flower, so that we black souls can begin to harm life," she said.

   Viala is surprisingly terrible for loud speakers outside so cold at night. Then the evil witch traveled to the North of the Town in near the valleys there are no green pastures, she put the magic potion to throw the drops of red water to the ground, already growing and blooming the beautiful red hibiscus.

   Another day, she hid it by the bush to see the red hibiscus when the peasant walked to admire the hibiscus tree; Thinking of very beautiful flowers for his wife and his daughters, they also sell a flower shop in town. Viala felt anxious as she turned pale because she couldn't defend anything strong as he cut red hibiscus with a black scissors that she had brought to the village, but she remembered that the evil witches warned her to break the life in nature so that she punishes them by transforming the bodies from frogs, snakes and lizards to humans from the village.

   At night, the sorceress chased him walking to the village near many hills and valleys, the peasant entered the house with them, grandparents and brothers while Viala saw them through the window worrying the little daughters. Until midnight, the men drank the wines they shared madly at the table, arguing with their wife about the husband, and the grandmother took care of the girls while the sorceress Viala protected them with her hand, blowing on the bright violets to block against the curse when the grandmother closed the door so she went out to surprise them, it was toads, lizards and snakes to change shape, the old lady also transformed into a snake every time the sorceress Viala saved these girls by jumping out the window at the hands of the little girls to get them to escape before seeing toads and others who felt fearsome bastards, they have cried because the families converted from animals.

   At dawn the sun, in the valley it has that dry land, many cacti and rocks seem from the desert, but the villages and fields have healthy plants such as trees and grasses, the sorceress Viala saw the moon for granted the great rock, the girls sleep in Carp. Then she took it upon herself to eat, play and teach the girls to feel good and calm saving lives by protecting spell:

   "My dears, what do they call you?" Viala asked.

   "Margarita and Anita," they answered.

   "I love it, you are a very good sorceress," said the girl to the sorceress, she is sweetly happy for her, she has met a magic and a fairy, she showed her hand, she let flowers, the winds appeared in the sky, they admired.

   "Wow! they were very pretty and there is your magic," said the girl.

   Then the sorceress gives her such a cute puppy for the girls, a puppy appeared to hug the little ones, be very happy, back in the village we already heard the voice of the chickens while the evil witches already knew the sorceress with two girls through the round glass around the tree, are already curious about his revelation: "We tried to transmute the family of little daughters" when the frogs, snakes and lizards kept in the cage in the small lake that you blocked with thorns as cut branches. In the afternoon they go down the hill towards the town after seeing the girls' house, the family is happily presented by Ana and Margarita, Viala was undoubtedly happy with her grandmother, mom and dad hugged them then she left with the girls, there with a dishonest gesture.

   The sorceress hesitated thinking of sitting on a tree trunk when the young guitarist passed by singing the enchanted music, there she admired her, she surprises a young woman, she is very beautiful, like a beautiful and soft person, for Viala she did not know him. An old man asked a guitar player and said, "Where's the goat cheese?"

   "That farm has a lot of goats near the valley," said the young man.

   "Thank you very much," exclaimed an old man.

   The young man was amazed looking at her, she disappeared after looking for her in the village when his eyes will find her chasing after Viala, running because she thought she would be late for the demon hut in two hours beyond that place, she hid see through the bushes whenever Viala's hands moved to control the magic of the flying broom, she has white feather tails, she admired very amazingly that she knew of being human and also flew and chased her. Towards the demon women's hut, the sorceress arrived from the site, entered the hut, but they are not here, so she will think of blessed things of magic to bring some magic potions and herbs, leave bones, poisons, meat and worms on the table and large cabinets in the hut as he walked through that place, he remembered the night: he was little the girl was given something after the fear of the hut already ran away.

   "The sorceress was called Viala, she is not the daughter of witches," said the young man, a woman never damaged and cursed.

   On the other night, near the site to remember the big Viala's tent, that place. The young guitarist admired her making pots with fire for herbs and potions, there was a campfire, working magical benefits saving their lives because people are happy, the sorceress is very tired because she did not know how to do witchcraft.

   The man saw the sky there are stars in the most beautiful night when he fell in love with her to be able to sing a sweet love to her, his voice high and precious by an enchanted music while the sorceress Viala was frightened by some noise. He walked silently across the floor towards her bumping into him, he doubted who it was: Hello sir, how do you know me?

   "We were little when I gave you a magical flower, now you are my sorceress," said the guitarist to remind Viala, "Oh!, you really are."

   At night, we still talk about enjoying between the young man and the sorceress when she serves to add the herbs and potions to the boiled pot for a luminous and magical smoke, and the young man played the guitar, singing. Close to the great enchantress tent as a curtain and a carpet, she controlled the magical benefits towards the villages and fields when the bright winds saved the peasants and the families fell asleep to have good dreams for life.

   They went to the villages, she touched the wand to control the magic, they attacked bright and things appeared that appeared when that poor old house became a wonderful and perfect house, they helped the plants to grow or bloom quickly, they cleaned the river, they appeared lights and lanterns at night. The sorceress saw that the poor girl has no home and on her mother's side, they fell asleep on the floor. Viala helped with magic to give a new house to mother and daughter, with a stuffed animal he appeared because protecting the house is good, and the young man played singing guitar in the center of town.

   As they woke up surprisingly, the demonic witches were in the cave, but the monsters lived in the witches' cave in the valley. An evil woman worried about black magic, they thought: "the girl stole my magic like magic flowers, herbs and potions"

   "Someone helped Viala with magic," said a demon king of the caves, the evil witches are furious because a traitor and thief punished me, already shouted. "The sorceress, a good one."

   The evil witches hid the forest for the kidnapped girls near the river so that the cages of frogs, lizards and snakes would become family. She must put up with a girl to separate them, the curse, the demonic witch handled a girl by a manipulator who did black magic. Together with the witch's side I turned from the young woman to Viala's double.

   At dawn of the sun, they woke up in wonderful houses, there are good things and others, the children are happy because toys, dolls and others, in the town. While the sorceress had started the star appeared in the sky, the young guitarist was by her side, Viala gives joy because many people are happy to save lives. They then walked through the village when a girl brought the basket with nuts, gave her a wand to become:

   "Beauty sorceress, please spell it for nuts can you or can't you?" —said the girl to Viala for thanks, "Yes, I accept!."

   Every time I cast a spell on the nuts, they went from broken shells to being born black snakes while we are also surprising peasants they look at me with great anxiety from the sorceress, the young man admired her and the girl believed the curse: "You are a witch."

   The sorceress was scared and they made you angry, when she touched Viala's arm she magically disappeared defended the sorceress, but she is not missing, change quickly and go somewhere else.

   In the night, the young charmer and the peasants searched for her everywhere in the village, each one found him by the haunted house while the demonic witch had manipulated him, he was not reciprocated towards the room is very beautiful, the painting on the wall, it had treasures and fabrics such as red curtains and very elegant blankets, the bed has a canopy, the sleeping girl was very beautiful. An owl came upon hearing it close to his ear: "She is a wicked witch."

   Scream of the young guitarist and peasants who stood in front of an old house, the treasures, paintings and things were stolen after fleeing causes the charming young man to walk towards the sleeping girl, his hand enraged to stick the torch to the bed expand the fire to the old house when the young man escaped to hit the window, the woman was burned, without waking up or moving, delayed, now she was screaming about the skinny black woman disappeared.

   The demonic witches were mistaken confused because beautifying her, abandoning her deceased sister, enrages the sorceress Viala and the young guitarist with jealousy: "Viala is alive."

   At dawn, he ran to disturb the good sorceress at the site of witchcraft, she appeared in a tent, the man cried in Viala's embrace, he already forgave Viala for understanding caressing with the charming man, kissed her cheeks on behalf of the sorceress appearing a true love in her heart while two demonic witches were angry desperate when they went to the village, the peasants scared weak as cowards while the witches force the slaves to set fire to that place of the village and the field.

   The sorceress Viala was worried when she saw the star fall in the sky and the young guitarist saw the town burn with great bonfires, they talked about being brave, they went to the village, the sorceress saved the children and the young man defends peasants when we find witches admired:

   "Good afternoon, because you steal my sorceress daughter to make her fall in love," said the demonic witch to him.

   "You are not my mother, but I am not your family because you abandon me," the sorceress smiled at the witches who were flying with brooms, beyond the valley the demon king appeared as a giant with a red body.

   "I'm selfish of you, you're a good witch, blessings, but impossible for me," exclaimed the witches, the thorns grew enchanted towards the young man and the sorceress, but he had stopped time when the demon king snapped the thorns attacking again demonic witches, shouted long white bristly hair, yellow eyes on red circles, thorns moved around witches, lessening both pain and pricking all bodies to go down to the ground, with blood bursting out, the red flower was already blooming at a small size while the demon king was amazed to remember his daughter with the red flower:

   "My daughter a hundred years ago," the demon king said, crying in pain.

   The sorceress had the idea, he shared with her that taking the guitar, singing the music and dancing, listening to the demon king, he departed from the joy that almost disappeared from being a demon because of his open heart. Viala cast a spell on him with a magic wand, turning him into a red flower. When he grew up, he became a smooth red-haired girl who wears a strange and beautiful dress. There, the king went from being a human body, fat, with white hair and a large beard. The king of the spirit moves more happily because his daughter looked very precious, he hugged his father tightly while the world changed well to the village, the forest, the valley and the field like grasses and green plants, magic builds houses, things and new clothes for the happiest people, the enchanted king and the precious princess had donated to the sorceress and the young man got the wedding while peasants supported the wedding, Viala wore the orange dress and the guitarist named José wore a beautiful suit, a canopy entered with white flowers, the red-haired princess arrived to bring some gold rings to Viala and José. But he thought about bothering to ask her for an awkward question.

   "Dear Viala, do you want to marry me?," said the guitarist.

   "No, thanks, I want to tell you something, I'm not your wife in my dream, I'm not going to marry someone… Do you want to be a friend or a boyfriend for me?," Viala replied.

   "I don't know which relationship with you is more important, because I really like you, I'm not your husband or boyfriend, you're my friend," said the young guitarist.

   Both want to ask to be friends, not needing the wedding or couple, Viala made handshake with him for engagement to be friends to break a spell and brilliantly expanding to the world, they threw away the gold rings so that both would never want to get married, they applauded him again, the children hug Viala and the peasants greeted José, he gave them a wonderful new house for the neighbors they were happy, two are falling happily like free for the hug that leaves the town walking, there the sky has many stars because the bright ones won happiness forever.

© 2023 by Cristobal Cisternas 

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