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March 5, 2022

The wonderful bird

Cristobal Cisternas

   Every time, in the biggest tree or a giant tree there are many different and beautiful colorful birds that have lived in this tree or oak for fifty years, members of many families where they lived inside the tree, there are parrots, owls, small birds, owls, hummingbirds and other birds and more, we have imagined that place: “the city of birds”, however, there is a family of another exotic and different bird as the strangest bird was not very famous when the birds are more rich and precious, another of the birds are poor that some had no home but they did not feel the sadness because the very kind and affectionate family will gather in the small house that came down from the tree and as you can see that tree has two separate places, upstairs it was with the rich and low stood with the poor in the giant oak.

   The poorer families lived under oak, the birds were dirty and ugly includes someone more foolish who speaks nonsense words to the birds had been fed up, the other family has a small bird it was the only bird more precious, it had a father and mother who before leaving, his father has gone to work another place forever in father was very tired every day. And his mother was very carefree, but she loves him, taking good care of him and teaching him other more important things than waiting for the wonderful bird he will have achieved, because he will live well in the future. Then the poor birds were envious of a wonderful bird, it is the only wisest in the world, satisfied, grateful.

the wonderful bird

   "What I am going to do? " The wonderful bird replied to her mother, but she did not answer anything, because she wanted to be free and fly to another place, but she should return home. Then he flew to the sky to see the field where there are eight very giant oak trees before the ugly and angry birds come to chase him:

   "You are already rich and precious," said the brown bird critically.

   They do not believe him to be a true vagabond because they saw you all shiny and golden body, that was very beautiful every time other birds did not have perfect bodies or be intelligent, the brown birds were mocking and left flapping and leaving a wonderful bird. While he felt strange or different with the brown and ugly birds. He intractably accepted other birds, the richest birds were equally similar to the wonderful bird, he had started the journey.

   In the afternoon, he went to see the new place, looking for the incredible space, he was in the mountains, not having the snows cold by the wind. The wonderful bird looked at the back of the field, the greenest land like pastures, the perfect agriculture because the vegetables and fruits are delicious and healthy, three hills, a lake, the few houses, and I watch the sunset, the sun has risen while the marvelous bird amazed with its fast flapping wings and returns to the oak when the sun turned off the light takes advantage of the marvelous bird's body it is luminous, golden and shiny that had very tiny white stars, he had come home after confronting his mother, he was hesitating what to ask curious to a wonderful bird to stop being shy:

   "What did you do, how did it go?" the Wonderful bird's mother asked him.

   "I went alone to the mountain," he answered.

   "Only? Are you going to the mountains? you are frozen?" exclaimed the mother with intractable emotion.

   For him the calm tried to advise her, to be thinking farther than wrong, but a wonderful bird knew everything, saying with seen eyes they approach that mountain, the mother understood him acceptable yes he said very careful very little bird like the weakest adults. A wonderful bird will no longer go to another outside, being tired in the house, near the neighbors with the poor ugly.

   In the morning, he has left the house, going to this place of the birds that appears from the class, the birds isolate him because they were envious of the most beautiful bird, then three birds were friends of Wonderful Bird, who decided to get together to talk reject friendship with him because before the birds rumor the criticism of the Wonderful Bird, it is the only bird more beautiful than the different race. Then the big bird was the teacher who helped to make life happier and more positive for everyone, the wonderful bird was her joy, others taught the best things to the birds. In the afternoon, they all went free, he imagined the imaginary love for the most beautiful bird, a wonderful bird, he was sad because seeing the birds that have many relationships of kisses and hugs, are males and females love in love. He likes the female, but she doesn't love him yet, so a Wonderful Bird understood him the non-perfect couples, you don't care, he doesn't wait for love for the Wonderful Bird fled to flap his wings in leaving the birds.

   An hour later, it flew away to go to the small branch with the leaves, there, the Wonderful Bird observed the giant tree, the birds flew to other places that fly entangled other birds have been resting by perching on the branch like siesta and some eat lunches to seeds and worms, other birds enter the houses like the circle-shaped doors in the pieces that look like a building, the round-shaped "nests" houses, some large and small in many others.

   When another bird flies, close to the same place. A Wonderful Bird amazed him it was unknown near the place of a wonderful bird, he saw the new bird was very small, with blue feathers, light blue eyes because the bird was exotic and precious, we thought a new friend when the previous one of the Wonderful Bird, a moment those birds do not interest him "Beauty" for a bird was clear and beautiful because more beautiful, all the rich and poor birds do not accept him to be to the chagrin of seeing indifferent eyes.

   "I'm abandoned," said the blue bird, he was nostalgic that the family never knew anything.

   "I am already with you, you love your own life because you will have a good trip, you will be the best free," said the Wonderful Bird to a Blue Bird.

   He accepted himself again as a friend, he stopped being isolated, advancing trust by sharing the opinion and we are positive. Then the Wonderful Bird decided what power to go, they joined two to travel to the top of the giant tree as the city of rich birds.

   We flew an hour ago for the trip arriving at the richest city, the blue bird spoke incredibly includes a wonderful bird they were amazed this place is more beautiful, elegant and precious birds like other colors of feathers "Colors of Beauty" than two they felt interested in the birds, they flew to order well in flapping their wings calmer and faster.

   This place, precious nests had different forms, triangle, round, cube, other forms of nests include pieces:

   "The ones that lived in the building are trunk of the tree, the ones that lived in the houses are the nests," answered the Wonderful Bird.

   When three rich birds saw the Wonderful Bird: "The bright and golden ones are treasured" by surprising beautiful eyes that saw the Wonderful Bird, the exotic bird had wanted to speak, approach him by the favorite bird, while the blue bird browsed to three to rumor well to him before: "Don't say it's you, you're beautiful, but they don't know anything about you, don't worry." Three birds flap their wings to approach a Wonderful Bird fell more shyly silent when three rich birds spoke favorite things.

   "You are handsome, I would like it to be you," said the female bird, two birds were insecure in anxiety, trying good communication, three rich birds felt happy so I asked him hard.

   "Where are you from, from what?" a rich bird asked him.

   "I'm from under a giant tree," said the Wonderful Bird to three birds. They are surprised that it's disgusting and the blue bird hurt a wing on the crown or bird's head.

   "Ay! You're poor, the poor!," the rich and clean bird criticized a Wonderful Bird.

   He felt wrong not to tell them when three birds have flown to leave the Wonderful Bird, he was sad, there the birds had to go many places ignoring a more beautiful bird in the precious place above the Giant Tree, returning below.

   Flown an hour, the blue bird saw the side of the Wonderful Bird, he felt anguish in flapping his wings. When two returned home, but he accepted a new bird to live and sleep in my "nest" house, then the wonderful bird had played the little Blue Bird for hiding, talking and caring, the joy that this bird felt left him very happy because new friend or master.

   Arriving his mother of a Wonderful Bird at the door, they suspected the doubt to another, while two are surprised that seeing her has come wings of the mother approached him to come another room to speak only between his mother and Wonderful Bird while the little blue bird looked at the object of a Wonderful Bird like memory. In the other room:

   "Who's the new bird?" said the mother, I should ask her.

   "Blue bird was the orphan," he answered, she suspected serious: "Okay", the mother tried other deeper questions, but he didn't know that.

   Then the blue bird had waited for those birds, he had finished talking with the mother, the door to the patio was opened, the new bird approached the wonderful bird, entertained or encouraged, but he was not sure about the smile, equally happy to share with the game of something else, that his mother does not say anything to the wonderful bird.

   Last night at midnight, in the room, two birds were sleeping, but the Wonderful Bird could not sleep because he had thought about the decision then if the pain and sadness will continue, while the father returns here, and begins to speak with his mother in silence that there they have not listened to two, when a wonderful bird listened to hide by walked slower and left side of a blue bird fell asleep, very little opened the door by was hidden to observe, in stop quiet. His father and mother were talking very quietly and deciding on the new one at home. Then he closed the door, going back to sleep next to blue bird for he didn't know what said in parts in the silence, he couldn't hear further.

   The day dawned, his mother was suspicious and would be, the Wonderful Bird thought: "She was angry, intolerant mother, but I don't know what's going on" then he prepared to leave the trip and together with Blue Bird he was playful and fun.

   "Goodbye my son, goodbye Blue Bird," the mother greeted as the two flew up, the Wonderful Bird saddened her that she said "goodbye" to him for the first time, they fluttered farther south on a trip six hours ago.

   Towards the south field further away, they were tired because they flew a lot, the blue bird did not see the Wonderful Bird, he felt sad in the smile, he thought happy, but they had not understood him. To the little tree. they perch on branches in a tree, they are resting when the Blue Bird fell asleep while the Wonderful Bird sobbed equally silently and silently endured his crying voice as moaning, he did not listen to the Wonderful Bird he left him again to be abandoned in he flew back, that seeing that tree inside with a blue bird was sleeping alone in the south of the field.

   The wonderful bird flew alone by sobbing, tears falling in great sorrow because to separate, he had a sad voice, flapping the trip to return to a giant tree, but he has waited up to five hours still flying, then the storm came to chase the Wonderful Bird was amazed to see those dark gray clouds, they are horrible from the storm, another was thoroughly observed there are the invisible rains, he flew faster by fluttering, the Wonderful Bird felt afraid and alone, again in alloy tired. The thunder appears on the ground, they disliked it very noisy that the heavy rains were starting, he was desperate to look for the tree, but the field did not have those trees. the cloud transforms into the black bird is giant and evil, he got angry to try to kidnap for the Wonderful Bird he denied him, because the black bird caught him in the air with strong wind and cold rain.

   Every moment, the mother was waiting for him, the birds also observed that sky with dark clouds, the other black bird appears with a big eye, it was skinny and ugly, arriving on the giant tree, it was a lie:

   "The Wonderful Bird has disappeared and he hunts him on the mountain," said the Black Bird with Eye.

   The mother felt pain and the family were amazed even the other birds by new concern for him. While the wonderful bird tried against the black clouds when they close their eyes each imagined or remembered being told “You can be brave” by some birds. A Black Bird covered the beak to Wonderful Bird has the light like to light up to expand, it was against the Black Bird and dark clouds, by Wonderful Bird was very beautiful with the bright stars and yellow are golden feathers, the light expanded to the sky that finish those clouds includes the Black Bird had panicked before disappearing, because we broke the curse. However, he traveled back to Giant tree.

   In the giant tree, Black Bird with Eye, they spoke badly to the birds they have felt sad, his mother of Wonderful Bird sobbed crying and new worries, the rich birds approach Wonderful Bird's home place also the birds are close and poor they saw him when the light arrived in the body of the Wonderful Bird while the Black Bird with an Eye amazed to fragment the black feathers, the birds and family, father and mother suspected the brightness each time, the brightness became the Wonderful Bird was beautiful golden in color and shiny.

   They were amazed at the joy that he found recovery, he was happier, the father and mother approached to hug with the Wonderful Bird, and the birds applauded him to congratulate the mother asked him outside the house of the Wonderful Bird outside.

   "Where is the Blue Bird?," Asked the mother to him, she felt regret that tears began to sob because his parents rejected him that living with his friend from Wonderful Bird was a good friend and great, now they regretted it.

   "Excuse me," said father, with a strong hug to him, also caressing love and I accept, the birds were sad because Wonderful Bird sobbed at noon.

   In the afternoon, the amusing mother spoke well to him and encouraged him, too, he was happy because the family was happy.

   "Take care, go with your friends to the air," said the mother.

   She hugged Wonderful Bird, then went out into the house while the birds from Above and Below waited for him outside, they met Wonderful Bird, he spoke happily and laughed, they went to fly, all the birds begin to flap their wings, and Wonderful bird showed his wings to his friends, they met with the Wonderful Bird, and they flew very well through the air, we played a happy stealing of friends. The Wonderful bird was glad to fly together with them in the pure and clear sky.

© 2023 by Cristobal Cisternas 

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